CFH Replies


Your #1 Bimb
So, as a person who sometimes reports people, I often wonder what is done with the person. Not cus I like to gossip and all that, but I'm genuinely concerned that the person has received the proper punishment. Lets say I'm getting some hateful comments from Person A. I report Person A, and I don't hear anything back. I'm pitching that once the situation is dealt with, I get a message from MyVMK Staff saying something liked, "Hello Bimbette. Thank you for reporting Person A. Person A has received (insert punishment). It is important to remember to use the CFH button when necessary. Blah blah blah. -MyVMK Staff." @staff if there are any issues with this, let me know.


Well-Known Member
In the old game when you reported someone, it would just say something along the lines of "Thank you for reporting the issue. We will look into it."
They never told you what they did with a person because that's confidential between the offending party and the staff. If staff shared what the punishment is, that toes the line of professionalism; it's inconsiderate (which, even though they've wronged you, they still deserve the privacy) and it would be like staff sharing secrets with you/a player ... which would be a no-no. Falls under the category of favoritism in a way; they should never tell you how they punish someone, because why exactly is that your business, regardless of what the person said/did to you?

Bottom line, punishments should be kept private. That's why you're not allowed to discuss bans on the forums; it doesn't need to be shared beyond staff and the punished player.


Well-Known Member
i only report people if it's something really, really serious like extreme bullying or teasing or harassment. if someone is being rude to me, tbh i just let it go because i don't let those kinds of people get to me, BUT that is just me. i usually report people for harassing or bullying other people because that annoys me the most. i've reported a lot of extreme incidents and none of them got solved and i knew it for a fact because the person was not banned or given any type of punishment. and sometimes the things i see that are said don't even deserve a warning, they deserve auto ban. but then you see all these other people get banned for silly things. this kind of got off topic in a rant but not really. anyways yes i agree that we should be told what happened to the player to make sure that our feelings/consideration is taken seriously.


Well-Known Member
I 100% disagree. It's none of your business what punishment they received and it should be kept private between Person A and Staff. Even if you wouldn't tell anybody, everybody else would.

A simple "Thank you for reporting Person A. It is important to remember to use the CFH button when necessary. Have a magical day!" would be useful, though, that way you know it was dealt with, but Person A's privacy was still respected.


Well-Known Member
Last time i reported someone for a legitimate reason, i was told i was abusing the report system. so. fix the banning system before any new changes are made.


Well-Known Member
I 100% disagree. It's none of your business what punishment they received and it should be kept private between Person A and Staff. Even if you wouldn't tell anybody, everybody else would.

A simple "Thank you for reporting Person A. It is important to remember to use the CFH button when necessary. Have a magical day!" would be useful, though, that way you know it was dealt with, but Person A's privacy was still respected.
This 100%. None of your business whatsoever.