Clearing the Air

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Hi everyone,

As you may have noticed, there have been a ton of things going on recently. Many of these things have made Amy, our sole developer, upset to put it lightly. Although I completely understand the frustrations with pirates, she is truly trying everything she can to get everything working correctly. We apologize so very much for another delay and promise, we will not put out ANY more release dates until we are absolutely positive the deadline will be met. That being said, if you have any concerns whatsoever, do not hesitate to send me an email at myvmksnow@gmail.

With that being said, I would also like to bring up an issue that occurred recently with Amy recoloring a princess dress for a friend on their birthday. Though, I know it seems as though she had gotten exclusive treatment, Amy does this around the kingdom to random players, heck, she turned me into Amy once before. She asked me to quote this message that she had sent to me in reply to the issue:
"All I wanted was to make my friend happy, and I realised I might be able to help make that happen even in a small way! I don't think there's anything wrong with that since it's temporary. I've changed the outfits of random players before too, temporarily. I even put a few of them in identical clothes to me!"

She really did not mean for it to become such a huge issue among the community- It does not mean she does not love you all.. she does. From what I have gathered from my position is, many players, if they had the chance, would do the absolute same thing. She is human and wanted to do something special for a friend. That is all, plain and simple :)

I would like to apology sincerely regarding many of the issues that have come in previous weeks. Many things are being worked on for us and the community to improve. With that being said, I am going to say this: Be positive. I know that it is rough sometimes but I and all the other staff members will do anything we can to make the community a better place. I promise that I will make personally to the community is better communication (I have made a twitter to help with this @MyVMKSnow) as well as no more release dates for now.

All of that being said, I hope we can clear the air for now and try to be supportive, like I know many of you are. Just know, we appreciate each and every one of you, truly.

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dam thats crazy
Aw Snow, you are great.
I know Amy, you and the rest of the staff work really hard on everything, its kind of annoying how people freak out over things, its really unneeded. Anyways, I'm super thankful for everything you guys do :halcyon: :halcyon: :halcyon:
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Well-Known Member
Thanks Snow <3 Your a awesome staff member, You have always been good to me when i needed help and when I had concerns.
People sometimes do things without thinking or say things that can hurt others, But i appreciate Amy, You and the rest of the staff for everything you do!
And working on communication? Awesome way to start Snow.


The Internet Champion!
You're so sweet, Snow! I know you guys are trying your hardest and it can be tough with some of the negative people around here, even I can be negative at times. But at the end of the day I'll always support Amy and the staff, I'm just lucky to be able to play VMK again, let alone get to know such great people.

Thanks so much Snow, you're awesome!


Lost Desert team member
Hi everyone,

As you may have noticed, there have been a ton of things going on recently. Many of these things have made Amy, our sole developer, upset to put it lightly. Although I completely understand the frustrations with pirates, she is truly trying everything she can to get everything working correctly. We apologize so very much for another delay and promise, we will not put out ANY more release dates until we are absolutely positive the deadline will be met. That being said, if you have any concerns whatsoever, do not hesitate to send me an email at myvmksnow@gmail.

With that being said, I would also like to bring up an issue that occurred recently with Amy recoloring a princess dress for a friend on their birthday. Though, I know it seems as though she had gotten exclusive treatment, Amy does this around the kingdom to random players, heck, she turned me into Amy once before. She asked me to quote this message that she had sent to me in reply to the issue:
"All I wanted was to make my friend happy, and I realised I might be able to help make that happen even in a small way! I don't think there's anything wrong with that since it's temporary. I've changed the outfits of random players before too, temporarily. I even put a few of them in identical clothes to me!"

She really did not mean for it to become such a huge issue among the community- It does not mean she does not love you all.. she does. From what I have gathered from my position is, many players, if they had the chance, would do the absolute same thing. She is human and wanted to do something special for a friend. That is all, plain and simple :)

I would like to apology sincerely regarding many of the issues that have come in previous weeks. Many things are being worked on for us and the community to improve. With that being said, I am going to say this: Be positive. I know that it is rough sometimes but I and all the other staff members will do anything we can to make the community a better place. I promise that I will make personally to the community is better communication (I have made a twitter to help with this) as well as no more release dates for now.

All of that being said, I hope we can clear the air for now and try to be supportive, like I know many of you are. Just know, we appreciate each and every one of you, truly.

First off thank you for giving a message to us. I feel like this lets us know you take our opinions into consideration.

I am so glad you won't set a release date! That was the one thing I thought you guys we're doing wrong. It put pressure on EVERYONE! So that defiantly releases pressure. Also I can name a few things on the top of my head that were promise but not released so stopping this makes it a surprise when the thing comes out!

Okay so people, chill out on this thing. I haven't heard anything but this but Amy doing something for a friend is absolutely fine. She was trying to make someone happy. Now if I were Amy i'd do the same thing. I have a few friends who deserve something like this.

Finally, I feel like people can get angry and mad, (yeah I was a little angry at pirates not releasing today) however just let it go and move on. Amy try's too hard for everyone! I feel like complaints gets everyone nowhere. I feel like everyone here takes Amy for granted and I want to say a big thanks to her for everything. I mean she doesn't have to do this but she puts up with all the complaining and all so lets give her a break and let her do what she thinks is best for the game and herself.

Thanks @Amy @Snow @Grizzly and everyone else for doing this because you bring smiles to everyone and doing so much so fast!
I am thankful for all the effort that Amy and the rest of the staff has and continues to put into myvmk. It is a demanding job to make vmk wake back up from when it sadly closed. Amy has done an incredible job. Heck, I can't code to save my life! xD It would be a miserable, miserable attempt. I stumbled upon myvmk whilst rereading the Kingdom Keepers three months ago, and since then I couldn't be happier. I have made some of the most amazing friends and continue to do so on a daily basis. I never even had ears back in old vmk and now I have my lovely dream ears. Sure I probably spend too much time on here but I love it! I never have any complaints because it is so surreal that this magical land is back.

To Amy and all of the staff, whether you be mods, cls, hosts, or something else!: You do such a wonderful job and I can't thank you enough for all that you do. You are one incredible bunch :D
All of you staff do so much for us and I am so thankful for that <3 I understand Amy is having a tough time right now and I have NO problem with pirates being delayed. I am so grateful to have this game in the first place, getting bonuses like double credits, crates (with AMAZING items!!!), and even pirates in the future are just a bonus. You are all so generous to donate your free time to run this game, so HUGE thanks to Snow, Amy, and all of the other staff for putting together such an amazing environment and giving me a chance to re-live my childhood! Everyone from in-game staff to forum staff has done such an amazing job. I know the last few weeks have been hard on everyone, and I hope the community can take a positive turn and be more grateful than selfish. Thank you for posting this Snow :)
Thank you so much for this snow (:

I understand the delay completely and this helps to clear things up. I just hope everything - and everyone - are alright! :)


Well-Known Member
I am disgusted by the amount of people who are talking viciously about this in game. Why I believe it was a mistake to set a release date a second time, and then a third, everyone makes mistakes and I cannot believe Snow is actually having to make, yet another thread, apologizing. As she said, Amy is upset and we all know going through a lot right now, yet some people think lashing out against staff members fixes everything. Honestly, it makes them discouraged and I'm sure they question why they keep trying to make this even happen. You're lucky they are even still working on it because I'm sure I would have thrown in the towel long ago if I had to read the things some of you say constantly.
I have gained a lot of respect for staff members lately. With everyone trying to gang up on (certain staff members) lately, they have taken it with a grain of salt. Just like you are someone with feelings, so are they. And I feel like a lot of you forget that. They are real people with real feelings. I know I don't speak my mind a lot, but I've had it with the negativity throughout the community. I wish some people would stop and think before they speak.
I love you Amy, Snow, Grizzly, Eliz and all other staff members. NOTHING would be possible without you. Just know there are actually people out there who love, respect and admire you. They just aren't the ones you hear from most of the time.
Best wishes Amy.


Well-Known Member
Thank you soo much for clearing this up. I don't think that it was really the delays and complications that were causing so many problems because, I hope, everyone understands that you guys are only human and unforeseen circumstances do occur. I think communication with the MyVMK community was probably the most frustrating thing of all and now that you are clearing the air and making everyone more aware of the situation, everyone can finally relax and calm down.

We appreciate all of the staff members for all their hard work and dedication to us, and for helping us Remember the Magic of Disney.♥


I heard about the princess revolt earlier and found the outcry ridiculous. I swear, sometimes this community is like TMZ, latching onto anything and everything just so they can escalate it and whine about it. But please know that there's more of us on y'all's side than it may be evident. It's only natural to pay more attention to the negative energy coming your way, but just know so many of us are thankful for all that you have and are doing. I know countless people that wouldn't have made it in real life these past few if it hadn't been for VMK. You all are responsible for literally changing people's lives. So many players have reconnected with life long friends, made new ones, and even found love. It makes me sad that you're going through some tough times Amy and I truly and sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, hope and pray that you will find peace and happiness soon. Just remember that the universe will gift you for all that you've done for the thousands of players you've touched through this game over the past (almost!) year.

It's a shame an apology was even had to be made in the first place by you Snow, but I respect you for doing so and allowing those who were being grumpy gills to be reminded of the truth of the situation.

Sending all my oreo regards. :hat:


The Moon accepts your ridiculous proposal!
silly how anyone can be anything but grateful to you guys for all the splendid work you have done, at great cost to your time, to bring back this game.

I fault you for nothing! in fact, thank you so much!


Part Pirate, Part Bot
Amy should never apologize for what she does in her own game. Though although I didn't follow this story, this post helped to clear up some things I heard. Just sounds like a nice gesture and some jealous little girls complaining. Keep up the good work Amy. Love u bae. (u too Snow)
Thank you Snow (even though this never should have been needed). I will always be a supporter of everything any of the staff do.

I've happened to be in the room a few times when Amy has recolored items for players and herself. I've seen her "amify" multiple. I always saw is as a way to have a little fun with the players in the room. It's sad to see that something that was meant to make someone happy for a temporary amount of time has caused so much drama, and caused someone to leave the game.

I always get so disappointed in this community when some jump to conclusions, complain and cause unnecessary drama. I hope this is the turning point and we start seeing a better community now that the air has been cleared.
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