Clones :)


Active Member
If you happen to see an obvious clone riding the rides to obtain SITS magic, please report them. Keep the game fair.

Play fair or don't play at all!
Lol, I don't think it's that easy to tell! They could just be new. I know the first thing I did when I joined was ride rides over and over again to get pins and stuff :)
My friends have been banned multiple times for reporting actual clones, due to "misusing call for help system". They've made it clear they are happy to play ignorant to clones and accept them clearly.
Well since it seems like the moderators don't want to enforce the rules, it's all fair game!

It's frustrating and laggy enough with just one account on my end, though. So happy cloning guys!


Active Member
It's very obvious when someone comes into the room, no pins, starter clothes, is named something ridiculous,starts to trade a older player randomly and then gets back on the ride after trade without saying a word.
And if that person is riding the rides to get SitS to trade for other things? Ive done that. Set up a trade with a new user to give them something for X amunt of SitS. Guess what? They arent my clone.

(Did this on my main account. Forgot what account I was on. My bad.)
I don't really see a problem with clones riding the rides. It doesn't really hurt anyone. It's not really stopping others from getting in or getting SITS. Yes, one person might get more SITS, good for them, doesn't mean they'll win anything.


Where did 4 years go?!
My friends have been banned multiple times for reporting actual clones, due to "misusing call for help system". They've made it clear they are happy to play ignorant to clones and accept them clearly.
Unfortunately this is true... a friend of mine reported a known clone user that harbored over 20 different clone accounts and it was stated to them in a private message, that they are aware of this abuse but they are allowing it because they believe that person to not be using them for monetary gain.

Rubbish really. Let's just be honest, there's more clones than they can control.


Well-Known Member
They can control it, and the solution is simple, and one we don't want to hear.. right now lol.

That solution is... make sword prizes non-tradeable after the current contents retire, along with AFTER Angel's retirement, so we all don't go even more nuts lol.

This solution would be good in my opinion. The dark ride muling will be eliminated without punishing just about everybody, and non-tradeable prizes won from then on will notarize that yes, that player (with whatever) worked hard to bleed the stone.

(yes, that means non-tradeable SitS pins too)
If you don't think it is fair then make your own clones. I can see clones getting annoying for bugging people or faking to be new just to get free stuff, but if they just want to earn stuff there is no problem, they aren't bugging you so why bug them?

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Where did 4 years go?!
They can control it, and the solution is simple, and one we don't want to hear.. right now lol.

That solution is... make sword prizes non-tradeable after the current contents retire, along with AFTER Angel's retirement, so we all don't go even more nuts lol.

This solution would be good in my opinion. The dark ride muling will be eliminated without punishing just about everybody, and non-tradeable prizes won from then on will notarize that yes, that player (with whatever) worked hard to bleed the stone.

(yes, that means non-tradeable SitS pins too)
I can agree that those rare prizes so endlessly coveted should be non-tradable. That would render them virtually useless to the clones.

If you don't think it is fair then make your own clones. I can see clones getting annoying for bugging people or faking to be new just to get free stuff, but if they just want to earn stuff there is no problem, they aren't bugging you so why bug them?

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Because it's against the rules, unethical, and dishonest?


Well-Known Member
They can control it, and the solution is simple, and one we don't want to hear.. right now lol.

That solution is... make sword prizes non-tradeable after the current contents retire, along with AFTER Angel's retirement, so we all don't go even more nuts lol.

This solution would be good in my opinion. The dark ride muling will be eliminated without punishing just about everybody, and non-tradeable prizes won from then on will notarize that yes, that player (with whatever) worked hard to bleed the stone.

(yes, that means non-tradeable SitS pins too)
SITS being tradeable has allowed its uses to be catered towards a variety of people... for instance, instead of mindlessly collecting SITS to strictly test my luck on the stone, I personally trade them off for giftcards or other general retired items. I personally think the game shouldn't constantly be developed/altered around how to keep clones from gaining unfairly, because believe it or not, there will ALWAYS be someone out there looking for ways to cheat the system.
If clones bother you, report them! Especially if they're obvious.
I completely agree that its frustrating when you're really trying to play the right way and not use cheats/clones.
Chin up!
My friend was using a clone for awhile and she said that with the lag it wasn't even worth it. Just think about how many times they probably get stuck/disconnect and don't gain a thing. I'm not saying it's right by any means. But since nothing is really happening to them, at least think about how not all of them are getting through to even win sits.


Well-Known Member
because believe it or not, there will ALWAYS be someone out there looking for ways to cheat the system.
Right, and just about everyone is doing it. We have proven, as a whole, that we cannot handle goodies from the stone without exploiting it full force. If staff even just locks up the stone and says, "No more prizes this way", it would be nothing short of what the community deserves.
They can control it, and the solution is simple, and one we don't want to hear.. right now lol.

That solution is... make sword prizes non-tradeable after the current contents retire, along with AFTER Angel's retirement, so we all don't go even more nuts lol.

This solution would be good in my opinion. The dark ride muling will be eliminated without punishing just about everybody, and non-tradeable prizes won from then on will notarize that yes, that player (with whatever) worked hard to bleed the stone.

(yes, that means non-tradeable SitS pins too)
This really bothers me. I myself, got an angel on the second try and it's the first actual rare thing I got in the game since I started myVMK and you're saying I should be punished and it should be non-tradable because I pulled an angel because there are clones out there getting more SITs? Just because people get more SITs with a clone doesn't mean that they will pull anything extra or rare. Pulling from the stone is a game of luck. If you're not willing to put in the time and understand that it is a game of luck, don't play it. Don't ruin it for others instead by saying the items should be non-tradable and ranting about it.

I know that you said after the Angel but who says there won't be more rare stuff in the stone? Even if it isn't rare, how is that fair?

Anyway, we shouldn't be the ones even worrying about this. Let Amy and her staff take care of the game. We're just here to play it not criticize it. This isn't what vmk is supposed to be.

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