Community Announcement regarding Community Leaders!

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Doesn't it defeat the purpose as the new CL_'s will just transfer their items over to the new account, tell their close friends on the low down, and stop using their personal accounts as much (this currently happens with a certain host that come to mind...). That would only mask the issue of "popularity" etc that most people are highlighting surely? Not that I'm taking a side here, just seems a problem.
I have some questions @Snow! Could our personal account (not the staff one) still be able to go to host events, win bgr, and do stuff like that? Thank you! :) And does being a CL limit our time on our personal accounts?
Doesn't it defeat the purpose as the new CL_'s will just transfer their items over to the new account, tell their close friends on the low down, and stop using their personal accounts as much (this currently happens with a certain host that come to mind...). That would only mask the issue of "popularity" etc that most people are highlighting surely? Not that I'm taking a side here, just seems a problem.
One of the things about our housekeeping system is that it logs absolutely everything. The rules that I mentioned earlier will be made to completely eliminate this issue. Community Leaders will be monitored to make sure that none of what was mentioned will be a problem.

I have some questions @Snow! Could our personal account (not the staff one) still be able to go to host events, win bgr, and do stuff like that? Thank you! :) And does being a CL limit our time on our personal accounts?
Yes, your personal account will not be affected by your "Community Leader" status on your other account. Being a CL should not limit the time you have on your personal account, we will be monitoring the amount of time that is spent on the account to make sure that this does not become a problem.

Yes, your personal account will not be affected by your "Community Leader" status on your other account. Being a CL should not limit the time you have on your personal account, we will be monitoring the amount of time that is spent on the account to make sure that this does not become a problem.

Thank you Snow! So as long as we spend a good amount of time on CL, we can still have fun, go on host events, and submit to contests?
I'm so glad for the separate accounts thing. Will there be rules regarding keeping their original account a secret? That would also take away from people trying for the "title" / "award" of being a Community Leader, and turn it more into a real customer service job :)
@Snow Will a person know if they are going to be a CL by the end of the month or is it going to take a little longer to go through all the applications? I know I heard someone say that the new CLs will not be announced publicly.
Thank you Snow! So as long as we spend a good amount of time on CL, we can still have fun, go on host events, and submit to contests?
No problem! That is the general idea, yes.

I'm so glad for the separate accounts thing. Will there be rules regarding keeping their original account a secret? That would also take away from people trying for the "title" / "award" of being a Community Leader, and turn it more into a real customer service job :)
Hi there! Yes, there will be rules about keeping your identity a secret if chosen for the position :)

@Snow Will a person know if they are going to be a CL by the end of the month or is it going to take a little longer to go through all the applications? I know I heard someone say that the new CLs will not be announced publicly.
There is really no set time these positions will be chosen, especially considering that we are going through every single application carefully. If you are selected for this position, you will be contacted by us either through the forums or email <3

Why is there no Oreo program?
Oreo's are so yummy, they don't need their own program!



Smile and the world smiles with you
I think by making the CL change accounts kinda defeats the purpose. Because you need to build up the respect again? Will have no items. Unless you have the same inventory as hosts. I personally would just love to see the player have a badge not CL in front of there name. Makes the role stand out less but still could do the same job. Being a leader you should have already earn the privilege. Not through popularity and who your friends are but how you treat others on Myvmk and what you have done to help improve the game. Too many seeing this as a status symbol and not just a help tool. Hiding the people to me defeats the idea. I for one get along with 95% of the players on the game. I fit into many different groups. Because I earned their respect. This takes time, effort and work. I am sure there are quite a few players like this. Making the cl's change to another character defeats all the work that was done to forge respect. Keeping the same character show transparency. We as players will know if the person really is an outstanding player in the community. I can name a few already. Who have really done great jobs not just being nice but really working on trying to make this a better game. Really helping players. Not just hanging and being nice. I feel this is being done to make players who hate this idea feel better. I think it will make the CL job harder and really no different than a vmk_. Unless this is a tool to help train new staff then I see the point. Then I agree a name change would be good.
I think by making the CL change accounts kinda defeats the purpose. Because you need to build up the respect again? Will have no items. Unless you have the same inventory as hosts. I personally would just love to see the player have a badge not CL in front of there name. Makes the role stand out less but still could do the same job. Being a leader you should have already earn the privilege. Not through popularity and who your friends are but how you treat others on Myvmk and what you have done to help improve the game. Too many seeing this as a status symbol and not just a help tool. Hiding the people to me defeats the idea. I for one get along with 95% of the players on the game. I fit into many different groups. Because I earned their respect. This takes time, effort and work. I am sure there are quite a few players like this. Making the cl's change to another character defeats all the work that was done to forge respect. Keeping the same character show transparency. We as players will know if the person really is an outstanding player in the community. I can name a few already. Who have really done great jobs not just being nice but really working on trying to make this a better game. Really helping players. Not just hanging and being nice. I feel this is being done to make players who hate this idea feel better. I think it will make the CL job harder and really no different than a vmk_. Unless this is a tool to help train new staff then I see the point. Then I agree a name change would be good.
I do understand this point. In the future, this will be used as a way of training potential staff members, however, it does not guarantee they will receive a position. As of right now, the program is new, we will be working and modifying different parts of it, nothing is set in stone as of right now.



Well-Known Member
I think it could be a really good idea to have a different account and maintain the CL status on the down low. It helps prevent bias and prevents it from being a status instead of a help tool. It will also help the CL manage their time between being professional and a player without hassle. I really like the 2 account idea; I think it was well thought out by the ppl in charge :D
I think it could be a really good idea to have a different account and maintain the CL status on the down low. It helps prevent bias and prevents it from being a status instead of a help tool. It will also help the CL manage their time between being professional and a player without hassle. I really like the 2 account idea; I think it was well thought out by the ppl in charge :D
Agreed 200%! I like that it makes the community leaders not a top-of-the-caste club, but a group of anonymous volunteers!


Well-Known Member
Anonymous Volunteers.... THAT'S PERFECT!
Good luck everyone with the application!
Hopefully I get chosen; even though I keep messing up with the application form.

@Snow I hope I filled out the vital information on the application correctly.
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