Congratulations, Crystal Waters Crew!


Well-Known Member
Though judges felt we weren't good enough for recognition, I'd like to say here that I'm so very proud of you, @Dhalion , @dudegrumpydude, @Liberty, and @JosieK! It's hard to find the words to describe to you how fun and entertaining it was to work with each of you.. but lets just say, you all rock my socks!!

~Crystal Waters~
Shallow End: Ranch

Once finished, I had to apologize to my team and warn them.. once I read that staff were copying winners, we'll be lucky if we see a runners up prize, because if they're doing it manually, there's no way staff can copy me, or that lobby!!! There's too much going on in there that cannot be seen, all I could do was laugh at the whole copying thing lol.. yeah right, good luck!

Crystal Fountain: Caladrius

The water works of our Crystal Waters slide park.. what he designed here had the entire team super excited!

Crystal Crew Club: dudegrumpydude

Poor guy had the hardest section of our slide to imagineer.. but what he pulled off was perfect! I applaud you my good friend! Hosting the lobby with you felt like working in Disney World it's self, I had a really good time!

Crystal Bay: Liberty

Her section had our ride skimming the beaches, the tropic feel and clean designs she offered were second to none.. well done girly!

(Crystal bay lead to a pass-thru of the shallow end.. sliders could play a spinner game opening weekend)

Crystal Forest at Night: JosieK

Who doesn't love nature, right?! Yosey's forest added a GREAT exterior feel to the slide park.. it felt like you were traveling away from all the action to..

Solid Crystal Slumber: Ranch

On a secret path through the night forest, we find that's it's frozen over, with a live snowman!

Backstage Pass to Crystal Waters: Ranch

Riders never encountered this room while on the ride, but every room door to every section of the slide lead here, and then to the Shallow End.

In closing, congratulations to the teams that won, sorry to the teams like us that got zero recognition.. and the utmost and deepest sorrows to The Crystal Waters Crew.. I wish I could go back in time and make it so that you guys won it all and became the envy of the kingdom. I'm sorry I let you down.
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Smile and the world smiles with you
The ride was nice. However from riding others rides I know that some on the winning list would be hard to copy too if not almost impossible if they have to do it by hand. So I do not think you lost because your rooms were too hard to copy. Thanks for building it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks @dudegrumpydude , you're definitely the kinda guy I would hope to see and shoot pool with at the karaoke club week after week. Stay cool, and glad I could be of some use!

Thanks @Question for checking up on us so much as we waited for our flag.. I'd normally host the lobby till you showed up, and then submitted that yup.. they weren't coming that day.

Thanks @Superior, I thought so too, but I'm a welder and it's hard to see in the evening hours..

@Littlebelle it seems like you like to prod at me when you don't like the things I say.. you can't buy friendship like that! Since I'm in no mood, I'll just say yeah, thanks for the input.


Smile and the world smiles with you
Sorry Ranch :( Your ride was very good just did not think you or others did not win because of how hard it was to build. Just looking at it you can see how difficult is was. :) Not an easy ride to build at all. Oh and you did not let your team down. The fact that your were lifeguard and got them to build complicated rides says you are a great leader.
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Thank you Ranch for a wonderful experience! This was my first time building with a group and as dudegrumpydude mentioned, I definitely learned some tips and tricks from a master builder like you!


Well-Known Member
@Dhalion, you're welcome brotha mang! I ran quite a few team builds in VMK days.. building with you was very smooth and easy, like we been building all along lol.

how did you guys not place like what??!?!
Thanks, Jafart, it has left me puzzled too, but not surprised. Maybe the denial is for my dismay in the shoutbox after waiting eight days for a flag? Maybe my character/personality shot my team's chances down? Whatever the reason, it got embarrassing to open the lobby after that seventh day. I hyped it up hardcore for my team, boasting that our lobby was my pride and joy.. probably my best build ever. And if my best can't pull anything with these judges, then why try, ya know? I stopped trying for BGR months ago, and after this wonderful denial, I'm totally done with competitions and building.. and the game addiction in general.

Way to go to all the chosen winners.. the slide above is one of the many deemed not as good as yours woot.
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I really love this waterslide and I remember riding it a few times. :)
I know the disappointment that follows not winning a competition, trust me, but in a few months you'll forget about it and there will be many more in the future. Can't win everything! But I really do love this ride. It's clear you guys put a lot of effort and thought into it.


Where did 4 years go?!
I'm pretty bummed you guys didn't even get runner up in a category at least, you had one of my all time favorite rides! But it is what it is I suppose. I'm sure it's disheartening not to have won, but you guys did an amazing job, and you had some qualities that really mattered in your ride! Well done guys :)