Crates Crates Everywhere but not a key to spare!


Well-Known Member
aha so i've been playing all the games and Npc's sooo much and have like a dozen crates and have yet to get even one key! baha any suggestions? anyone get lots of keys at one particular place?


Well-Known Member
fireworks seems to be the place for keys, i think the odds and 1/5 and its increased with more players. so it will take about 55 minutes (11 per game) and u cant leave or idle. good luck!


Well-Known Member
ohh i didn't know you cant get keys if you leave early, good to know thanks! is there a page on here or the wiki that have the statistics for chances of keys and crates and such? :]


The Confused One.
No you can not get keys by leaving a Fireworks game. You have to play the full game(take not I may have misunderstood you here but I have no clue...). And never trust any statistics as those are just odds. It doesn't mean you will get one in every 5 games.

Honestly, to me, there is no one game that is best for getting keys. It's whether you are lucky one day or not. For instance I got 3 keys in shells in about the time span of 1 hour. I would normally only get one key or no keys in that time.

Also crates only appear in shells and NPCs. Keys appear across the NPCs and all of the games.