Definition of 'Friday'

I have noticed over the past several weeks there has been a bit of inconsistency with when the new pins/items are released on Friday/ Sometimes it is midnight Eastern, other times it is later in the day .. right now its 5am and there is still no new items out. I have noticed the same with the newsletter...

So, whats the definition of Friday? What is the 'official Friday time?'

I was also told that 12am was when Kevin was around, I don't know who that is, but can we have them back so it is at midnight??
It's When ever Grizzly feels like doing it :P
Sort of... It's when I have time. :p

Kevin was never in charge of the catalog or Newsletter, it's been my job for the most part. I've just been busy this month so it's been a bit inconsistent. It's out now.