
Although I disagree with a few strict notions of Catholicism, I do believe in God. Why I believe in God well because I don't think things just happen for a reason - there's some force in the universe guiding individuals who wish to find the light along the way in life. I just believe in God because it's what feels right to me, in my body, heart, mind, soul to be a warrior of peace. I feel through prayer, realizing and trying to amend my mistakes, and patience/sacrifice/suffering that it's all part of the unforeseen plan and the greatest reward is yet to be recieved or the greatest gift just has to be realized like fufilling one's full potential. Screwed up and when I found no light, I felt God his power in even the smallest ways help me rise back up from the ruins whether it be finding light in new people, places, things, even myself. I don't know I just don't doubt him because I feel it's right for me to believe. Faith really can't be explained as much as Catholic school has tried to force me to believe but felt as I've realized on my own. I don't think it's absolutely necessary at least for me to worship him but appreciate him for this life. Yet God, him, he could be any entity but I choose the form I'm familiar with the Father, Son, Holy Spirit yeah

I respect other people's religions and what they believe, and should believe in what they believe in. Anything's possible so. I really hope there are cool civil aliens/celestial beings we will someday encounter but if we had or will have aliens present on Earth who knows if the government is covering them up *sigh* lol


Well-Known Member
Personally, even if I wasn't Christian, I'd believe in a higher power.

The chances that things happened the exact way they did to make me here on this earth (look in spoiler for partial list) would have happened are so small.

matter? how did matter form?
how did this matter form DNA?
-- DNA actually, if not for other proteins involved, is unstable.
How did that DNA begin to self replicate?
How did that DNA code the proteins?
How did we go from unicellular to multicellular?

Why are there laws of physics?
What decided the laws of physics?
Why can't we explain the movement in the universe?
etc etc
blahdy blah more stuff here


Well-Known Member
Yes, I believe in God.

I'm not too religious and had a very well upbringing, but I have encountered many situations of miracles where my faith in God has only grew stronger. In a sense, I do believe God reaches out to you more when you attempt to do the same, especially in a very spiritual level (you can't pretend and force this, it has to be pure, your conscience and intentions are out on the open field). Sometimes you don't always get what you want, and that's not a valid reason to denounce God's existence because there will always be hardships, and miracles don't always come in a neat package left on your doorstep, it's all a part of life. If life was so easy, there wouldn't be a thing called "Heaven" or "Hell" to look forward to which I have a completely different view on by the way (I don't strictly think you simply get judged to either or). But continuing with God, I find it ignorant when people believe religion is simply used for comfort. While that may be true sometimes, I believe the relationship between God and every person is completely personal and unique. Um, I guess when I say religion, I reference it to the Abrahamic religions that make up around half the world population. Anyway... I find it really strange how Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have similar figures, and common religious stories, and so many other repeated concepts yet they've been introduced thousands of years a part... especially during times where education was foreign. There has just got to be some absolute truth in it. As much as there's a billion things to question about it, same applies to science as Whispered's post includes. Religion is actually very interesting to study. And when you look back to when we had cavemen... we as humans have extraordinarily evolved... when you look back and compare the drastic changes in humans from thousands of years ago to now... (the freaking existence of smartphones from eating mud for breakfast/lunch/dinner?) there has GOT TO BE some external force or higher power who purposely and cleverly maneuvered this change in a way... How can you prove God didn't purposely influence Newton to go test gravity? How can you prove God doesn't have "levels of chosen ones" to insert thoughts of to go test if the Earth is actually round? To be honest, anything is just frankly plausible unless proven otherwise. I believe humans can be possessed in a negative way, so why should I not believe God didn't insert some amount of knowledge in people to help with the world's progress over time?

Sorry if it's tl;dr, I got too into it lol.
i don't believe in god but i believe in a higher power.
who really knows though? no religion is "correct"


Well-Known Member
The chances that things happened the exact way they did to make me here on this earth (look in spoiler for partial list) would have happened are so small.

matter? how did matter form?
how did this matter form DNA?
-- DNA actually, if not for other proteins involved, is unstable.
How did that DNA begin to self replicate?
How did that DNA code the proteins?
How did we go from unicellular to multicellular?

Why are there laws of physics?
What decided the laws of physics?
Why can't we explain the movement in the universe?
etc etc
blahdy blah more stuff here
Just a thought to consider;
if the universe is infinite in size, could you not statistically assume that it would have to happen somewhere, and we have just happened to break the odds?

Although a smaller example, consider this. Assuming Pi is constant, let's say I had the number "pi" digitized, and I told you to make up a random number that was one million digits long. Could we not say that based on the fact that we have an unlimited combinations of digits in Pi, your number would have to show up somewhere, regardless of the odds?

If we look at a timeline of the universe as a calender, with the "Big-Bang" occurring on January 1st at 12:01am, and December 31st at 11:59pm being right now, life is only theorized to have come onto the cosmic stage at about the 21st of September, and these are the very simple organisms you hear Evolutionary Biologists rave about. Life is fairly new to the cosmos, at least on Earth. Relate this to scanning through every digit of pi until reaching your number. It may take a long time, but as soon as that number is located, you've broken the odds. That is the 1 in a ____00000000000etc. chance.

Some of your issues, I can't address, and that's okay, because neither can the rest of the scientific community. But that is what science is all about! It is a constant search for answers. But don't let that discourage you, not having the answer doesn't mean there is none, it's just a matter of looking harder.

Thanks for your input, that was fun to respond to c:

btw, I acknowledge no god or higher power.
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The one and only...
I'd consider myself agnostic. There might be a god, but we'll not know completely until death. Certainly living in Utah with a bunch of people who never stop opening their mouths about religion doesn't help.
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Forever Noob!
I believe in God Almighty because of one very good reason. Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ rose from the dead around 2000 years ago and according to many Jewish historical records could never find his body either alive or dead and back in that time they took burials very very serious. So for this body to never be found even after 2000 years is a pivotal cornerstone in the revealing that there really is a God who calls himself YHWH or as we translate it today as Yahweh. So you want sure evidence that there is a God, look to the resurrection of Jesus Christ who is alive and at the right hand or God the Father.


Well-Known Member
I believe in God Almighty because of one very good reason. Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ rose from the dead around 2000 years ago and according to many Jewish historical records could never find his body either alive or dead and back in that time they took burials very very serious. So for this body to never be found even after 2000 years is a pivotal cornerstone in the revealing that there really is a God who calls himself YHWH or as we translate it today as Yahweh. So you want sure evidence that there is a God, look to the resurrection of Jesus Christ who is alive and at the right hand or God the Father.

Could we not say it was in the interest of his disciples and believers to hide the body?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Active Member
No, unless you count myself. I have control over my own happiness. It's my life, I don't need a god to tell me what to do or who to be. So I dismiss it entirely.
My personal feelings:
I don't care either way. I'm here, and I'm going to live my life. I'll be a good person, and if there's an afterlife, I hope that whatever higher power(s) focus on that rather than on my lack of belief in them.
Personally, even if I wasn't Christian, I'd believe in a higher power.

The chances that things happened the exact way they did to make me here on this earth (look in spoiler for partial list) would have happened are so small.

matter? how did matter form?
how did this matter form DNA?
-- DNA actually, if not for other proteins involved, is unstable.
How did that DNA begin to self replicate?
How did that DNA code the proteins?
How did we go from unicellular to multicellular?

Why are there laws of physics?
What decided the laws of physics?
Why can't we explain the movement in the universe?
etc etc
blahdy blah more stuff here
Nothing happens in a day dude, it could have been (and in fact was) possible that under the right circumstances after millions of days/months/years, inorganic molecules were transformed into organic molecules. Given there isn't enough science out there to prove anything way beyond a reasonable doubt, i am CERTAIN there will be one day. So my answer to the OP is no, i do not believe in a deity and if there was one he/she is certainly cruel.

Why do some suffer more than others?
Why are some prayers unanswered?
What's up with world hunger?
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