

Well-Known Member
WOW! Thank you all so much! I did not expect so many replies back on this, but I am very ecstatic right now! Thank you :)


please read: Due to the fact that I got so many responses I now have more than enough answers! I have also been getting answers from school, friends, tumblr, facebook, instagram and Myvmk so I have a ton of replies! I no longer need anymore and I will look at the results and let you know the top three answers from males and then from females. AGAIN THIS IS A SAMPLE it does not represent the whole male or female population. On my mistake some account on myvmk I was unsure if you were a male or female so I did not count your response due to the fact that I, myself did not tell you to put if you were male or female. Anyways! thank you again! I shall share my hypothesis with you now: I believe that the men and women between the ages of 15- 25 will have the same answers about qualities they want in their future spouse. It will have a close correlation because I do believe that men and women in some ways DO think alike; especially when it comes down to a life partner.

Thank you,


These are not to be taken as answers for every male or female. We are all our own type of person and these are just answers that were the most popular. Some were even so close! they were just one vote off.

Top 3 common answers among males:
1. Honest
2. Loyal
3. Physically Attractive

Top 3 common answers among females:
1. Sense of Humor
2. Loyal
3. and a tie with Loving and Trustful.

I got the most responses from 16,18,19, and 22 year olds. AGAIN. These do not represent every male or female in the world. This was just a sample. I rounded up 93 answers. All answers came from all over the United States! Thank you again! I really appreciate all of your help!:yay: