Disney Princess Discussion

As one of the many girls in love with the Disney Princesses, I wanted to make a discussion thread, as well as pull up some topics.

Topic 1:
How far does the Disney Princess line extend? When does it just become the Disney ladies?
The definite Princesses are:
Snow White
Rapunzel Jasmine

But Pocahontas and Mulan are considered official princesses as well, but do they end up even being princesses?

Of course there are even the more controversial ones like Kida, Megara, Giselle (why isn't she an official princess btw?), Alice in Wonderland, and even Anastasia (though she is not Disney).

Will Anna and Elsa join the group soon?

So where do you draw the line?

Topic 2:
What gives the Disney Princesses such a high appeal? There are plenty of other wonderful Disney women.

Topic 3:
Estimated Time Period and Locations of all Princesses. How much do you guys agree with this?
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Well-Known Member
Topic 1:

"Disney Princesses" are called "princesses" because they are, in fact, "princesses" and not simply "disney heroines".

They follow a typical fairytale plot and are the daughter of a powerful family. Pocahontas is the daughter of the the Native American chief of her tribe, and in her situation, she's the closest you can possibly get to being a princess as a Native American woman in the 1600's. I believe Mulan marries a prince at the end of her movie thus making her a princess. This is the exact same situation as Tiana and Cinderella. You can become a princess and thus be considered a "disney princess" by marrying a prince.
Giselle is not an official princess and I don't think she should be. Yes, she is a princess in a Disney movie, but Enchanted almost playfully makes fun of fairytales and it is nowhere near following the typical fairytale plot, despite having many fairytale aspects like a prince and a wicked witch.

To sum it up I think a "Disney Princess" must:
A. Be a "princess" or daughter of a king, chief, some sort of relative "royalty" at some point in the movie, and if not born into it, they get into this position through marriage
B. Be the protagonist/heroine of her movie
C. Her movie should follow a fairytale plot
D. Her movie should be animated
E. Usually takes place in the past

Topic 2:
Little girls simply like princesses. I don't think there's much question of why little girls prefer princesses over "other Disney ladies" because the "official Disney Princess movies" just happen to be Disney's more popular movies.
I've never even heard of 3 out of the 5 Disney women you labeled as "controversial."
Since the movies just happen to be based on a well known story, ex. Snow White, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, Princess & the Frog, they just generate more popularity. A few stories that Disney made up themselves like Frozen and Brave just generate more publicity because they are good movies, hence Disney trying to squeeze more money out of them by creating toys and other merchandise based on their more popular movies, hence children becoming more familiar with the princesses and liking them more.
Atta/Dot, Charlotte, Eilonwy, Esmeralda, Faline, Jane, Kiara, Maid Marian, Megara, Melody, Nancy (Enchanted), Nala, Sofia, Tiger Lily, Ting-Ting/Su/Mei, Tinkerbell/Wendy, and Vanellope are either real princesses/royalty or considered to be. Apparently, there are a lot of lesser known/under-appreciated Disney ladies. :p

If you were once or currently a real princess, you're a princess in my book. If not, you're a heroine. So, this is my "official" princess list (humans):

Charlotte La Bouff
Snow White
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Well-Known Member
1: the "disney princesses" is just a franchise line. there are princesses who are in disney movies but aren't part of the line-up for merchandising. it's just the name of the media franchise. giselle isn't a princess because, like [MENTION=4554]Chemicals[/MENTION] said, the movie doesn't follow the plot details that the rest follow. and yes, i'm fairly certain elsa and anna are going to become official princesses.

2. just because they're so hyped up tbh. i don't really care about disney princess movies all that much (i've seen 3 of them), so it might just be me. i don't think that it's necessarily a bad thing that there's more appeal, though. people will like the movies they like.

3. i agree with most of them. i always pictured sleeping beauty being in france, but i have no basis for that, i just thought it fit. plus the romance of it but still being super creepy is very french.
also i'm pretty sure rapunzel is in germany.
and, it's not on the list, but elsa and anna are in norway in the 1800's probably.