Do you feel time going by too fast for you?


Hungry photographer
/Been five hours
/Math homework still isn't done
/Haven't even started it actually


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I honestly feel like I'm living in The Sims 3.
Who is controlling me and why are they fast forwarding the time and making me use this computer right now.


Hungry photographer
Sometimes I honestly feel like I'm living in The Sims 3.
Who is controlling me and why are they fast forwarding the time and making me use this computer right now.
Your facial expression in your picture fits
perfectly with this statement. Lololol.


l'antico vampiro
When you were born into this world, time goes by slow because you have had no concept of the time man has developed it into, as his/her life progresses. Time quickens due to numerous reasons on the mind. Time itself, "the clock" is an illusion that the mind makes in order to understand the 'current' state of one’s own living - I.E. Cogito Ergo Sum "I think, therefore I am." Everything in the universe is on a cycle, so that "time" in this particular facet of life to be cognizant of, will always exist in life and death as people know it as they see their own beginnings and endings. The standard of time on Earth has been created by beings in order to understand the cycles of the stars and thereby creating calendar cycles due to astronomical events. From there, this created time has developed as a means to track one's own routine responsibilities. As a child you sleep, play and eat on your own time line, not man’s sense of time. That is why time itself seems to be longer. As a human being ages through a cycle, those things change. Alas, a true key for healthy living is not to be concerned with time, to not have any fear of an impending "end." A child lives life fuller with more "time" due to the fact that, to he/she - time does not matter. Some children have a much better understanding of living their life than many adults because of this simple concept.