Favor for this weekend?

Okay so this is kind of a weird favor but bear with me.

So I'm going to be out of town this weekend with no wifi. I can still get on the forums with my phone, but I can't log on to MyVMK. I have a lot of credit spree trades waiting around so I can still get this weekends items, but I won't have a way to find out what comes out/how much it costs/etc.

So I was wondering if anyone could possible post here/PM me a list of the items that come out tomorrow/this weekend and their prices? I know this is a weird thing to ask but it's my only way to make a list of what I want for my sprees.

Thanks so much in advance :D
This pin is only available through Host events, like the Meet and Greet or Cowabunga! Pin Trading. So I do not think many people will have this pin.
The 4th of July Pin you get when you log on. The Nemo 1/5 is on sale for 500. The 4th of July hat is on sale for 1,000. (:
Shark magic, 10,000.
Thank you both! Looks like I'll be trading my life away for a Captain America pin :p