Fireworks Bugs


Well-Known Member
I had a few weird bugs while playing Fireworks recently.

1. The scores were flashing between the correct scores and scores normally gotten at the end of a game.
2. After Round 1, Level 1, I had a firework get stuck (the second one) and I could click it repeatedly for flawless (although I don't think it counted for anything after the first time)
3. A couple times, it switched between the first level and the fourth.
4. I exited after the 3rd round, and it looked like it was going to progress me to the fourth level from the first.
5. After exiting and getting the credits message, I got a pop up of a blank level results.
6. The above pop up stayed after loading a couple rooms and when I eventually went back to the fireworks room, the background and Play buttons were completely gone (the castle is there, but the sky and buttons are not.)

I attached some pictures of what happened. The first one is how the Fireworks lobby looks to me right now. The second is the pop up I got (don't know if it's related to the other pop up bug). The third is when I exited from the end of the first level.

Oh, and the Ariel chests seem to be invisible when placed again.