Gaming Group??


Well-Known Member
(Don't know if anyones tried to do this before BUT) game rooms are may favorite part of vmk and I haven't seen very many up and running recently. I recently started following this forum and know a lot of you have some really cool game ideas and rooms already made that I would love to play!

If there are enough of you out there I would love to make an official group to gather together and maybe pick a night of the week that theres no host event scheduled and just play some guest room games????

Logistics can be worked out later about who's games we play and when but for now I'm just checking to see if theres interest :)
PLEASE let me know if this is something you'd be interested in (or if theres a group like this already in motion)!
Oh, I have one I was planning on hosting tomorrow, since I'll have more time, but I'm not sure what time I'll be hosting it.