Goodbye for the moment.

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First, don't think I am leaving for good. I am not leaving this game whatsoever...

I just had a gallbladder removal surgery and don't know how long again until I'm not in pain.

So this is just a goodbye until recovery is over type deal!!

I'll miss all my friends, but you can't get rid of me that easily!

P.S i'll be pn the forums occassionally just to pop up and see what is going on!

Be back soon!
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Get better :hug:
Oh, so sorry to hear that. I had that done a few years ago. You'll feel pretty rocky for a few days but then you'll start to feel so much better. Take care and I look forward to playing Pirates with you when you're better (and yes, I promise to practice)!
Yea. The gas pain in my collar bone/shoulder are insane.

But the one thing I hate most is not being able to hold/cuddle my son! :(

But thank you so much everyone for the Get wells!
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