Graphic Tablet


10 mins late to everything
I plan on purchasing a Graphic Tablet on the near end of June can you please tell me what makes it easier for you to draw and what are little tricks thank you :eee:

I plan on buying

Please tell me if you ever heard of Turcom, this is my first time ever touching a WORKING Graphic Tablet and I will be using the software Paint Tool SAI. Will you please give me a review of the size if it's too small, cheap company, non trust-worthy, thank you :eee:


I personally recommend getting one of the Wacom Bamboo tablets. I've been using one for a few years and it works flawlessly... bamboo

This one is only about $20 more and I guarantee you'll be happy with the extra money spent. Also with this tablet you will have access to Wacom's software which is surprisingly good. You will also receive some complimentary software:
  • Free downloadable creative software included: Photoshop Elements, AutoDesk Sketchbook Express and Nik Color Filters.
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Well-Known Member
Never heard of it so I can't really comment on that specific tablet or the company. It has about a 3.6/5 stars, so I'd be a bit weary if I were you.

Personally, I only trust brand names. You can get a newer Wacom tablet for about $40 more (depends on which model you buy and where you buy it - I've seen some for $69 at Amazon) if that's an option for you (like if you could wait a couple months and save up for it). Just my opinion though.


10 mins late to everything
Never heard of it so I can't really comment on that specific tablet or the company. It has about a 3.6/5 stars, so I'd be a bit weary if I were you.

Personally, I only trust brand names. You can get a newer Wacom tablet for about $40 more (depends on which model you buy and where you buy it - I've seen some for $69 at Amazon) if that's an option for you (like if you could wait a couple months and save up for it). Just my opinion though.
Thanks. I'm on a slight budget (around 50 dollars top, since it is my first one.) so I've been looking into this, have you heard of his :p

*i have no experience in drawing tablets nor drawing digitally! I also do not know a lot of people who use a drawing tablet so bear my annoying -ness *-*[DOUBLEPOST=1402103048][/DOUBLEPOST]
I personally recommend getting one of the Wacom Bamboo tablets. I've been using one for a few years and it works flawlessly... bamboo

This one is only about $20 more and I guarantee you'll be happy with the extra money spent. Also with this one you'll have access to Wacom's software which is surprisingly good. With that tablet you'll also receive some software:
  • Free downloadable creative software included: Photoshop Elements, AutoDesk Sketchbook Express and Nik Color Filters.
Sorry! I didn't notice your post, but ironically I found the same exact tablet you were talking about however, refurbished and $10 less. ^-^


°☆。* Unburnable Trash *・°☆
Ohh I loved the Wacom Bamboo, it was my first tablet and worked well<3. I had it for about 4 years before it was impossible to draw on it ;;.
I replaced it with this:

If you have an extra 5 dollars and 97 cents in your budget then this is another great option~! I saw posts about it on Tumblr and decided to look into this rising brand myself. I read a lot of reviews and looked at the questions people asked and also at the answers the company gave..and I decided to take the leap of faith and buy it! I gotta say, I'm in love with this thing. I mean, it's like the Bamboo but a bit better in my opinion. I don't think it has the 'Touch' feature the Bamboo had but since you're mainly going to be using your tablet for drawing, that doesn't matter much~!
I love how my lines don't have flicks at the end like they usually would when I would draw on my Bamboo and this tablet has more pressure sensitivity too-- it's also a bit bigger too but not over-overwhelmingly bigger. It has keys on the side that you can assign to do specific things. The only thing I was slightly annoyed with in the beginning was the fact that the pen needs TripleAAA batteries to work but it's not that big of a deal. Plus it lasts for a long time even though I accidentally leave the pen on sometimes LOL.
I also love the grip I can get on this pen too- aaa.

I can't comment on the Bamboo Capture since, while I've known about the tablet, I don't feel right talking about it since I don't have personal experience with it XD. But I have heard from some of my artist friends that it's a pretty good first step beginners tablet so go for it if you want it~! ;u;

Take your time when searching for a tablet and look up as many reviews as you can ;v;/~!

OH and it might take a while for you to adjust to drawing on a tablet since you're going to be looking at the screen while drawing instead of down at your hands. So for practice, just draw shapes like circles and squares and what not and just try to get yourself coordinated XD. It might be frustrating in the beginning but don't give up~!

And if you want to know more things about SAI then I can link you to some good resources for that, too ;v;
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Well-Known Member
Thanks. I'm on a slight budget (around 50 dollars top, since it is my first one.) so I've been looking into this, have you heard of his :p

*i have no experience in drawing tablets nor drawing digitally! I also do not know a lot of people who use a drawing tablet so bear my annoying -ness *-*
You're not annoying ^_^

But yes, if you buy any kind of Wacom tablet you can be assured you're getting a quality tablet. I don't know anyone who's bought a refurbished one, but since you're on a budget, I think it'd be a good fit for you.

Good luck! The world of digital art is fun :)


10 mins late to everything
Ohh I loved the Wacom Bamboo, it was my first tablet and worked well<3. I had it for about 4 years before it was impossible to draw on it ;;.
I replaced it with this:

If you have an extra 5 dollars and 97 cents in your budget then this is another great option~! I saw posts about it on Tumblr and decided to look into this rising brand myself. I read a lot of reviews and looked at the questions people asked and also at the answers the company gave..and I decided to take the leap of faith and buy it! I gotta say, I'm in love with this thing. I mean, it's like the Bamboo but a bit better in my opinion. I don't think it has the 'Touch' feature the Bamboo had but since you're mainly going to be using your tablet for drawing, that doesn't matter much~!
I love how my lines don't have flicks at the end like they usually would when I would draw on my Bamboo and this tablet has more pressure sensitivity too-- it's also a bit bigger too but not over-overwhelmingly bigger. It has keys on the side that you can assign to do specific things. The only thing I was slightly annoyed with in the beginning was the fact that the pen needs TripleAAA batteries to work but it's not that big of a deal. Plus it lasts for a long time even though I accidentally leave the pen on sometimes LOL.
I also love the grip I can get on this pen too- aaa.

I can't comment on the Bamboo Capture since, while I've known about the tablet, I don't feel right talking about it since I don't have personal experience with it XD. But I have heard from some of my artist friends that it's a pretty good first step beginners tablet so go for it if you want it~! ;u;

Take your time when searching for a tablet and look up as many reviews as you can ;v;/~!

OH and it might take a while for you to adjust to drawing on a tablet since you're going to be looking at the screen while drawing instead of down at your hands. So for practice, just draw shapes like circles and squares and what not and just try to get yourself coordinated XD. It might be frustrating in the beginning but don't give up~!

And if you want to know more things about SAI then I can link you to some good resources for that, too ;v;
Please link me to good resources for SAI by PM, VM, or post I would love it *-* I think I took a look at that but the design... yes I hate that part of me where I want it to look nice and simple -_- but thank you c: (those links would be good tho ;) )

@Jasmine thank you! I have heard the refurbished is sometimes better because since it's used, the company tries to replace the worn out/bad stuff with new and nice designs :)
Working on a tablet takes some getting used to...

Ironically, I bought my first tablet for my sister at least 5 years ago, if not more, seeing how she is the artist. She hated using it. I adopted it back from her and I use it all the time for photomanipulating, photo editing, etc. It is a Wacom bamboo fun size tablet, and it STILL works (I bought it online at Costco, they have some good deals there, might want to check it out if you have a membership). So keep that in mind when considering what tablet to buy...the Wacom ones have a proven track record.

Just be patient working with it, like I said, it takes some getting used to.


10 mins late to everything
Working on a tablet takes some getting used to...

Ironically, I bought my first tablet for my sister at least 5 years ago, if not more, seeing how she is the artist. She hated using it. I adopted it back from her and I use it all the time for photomanipulating, photo editing, etc. It is a Wacom bamboo fun size tablet, and it STILL works (I bought it online at Costco, they have some good deals there, might want to check it out if you have a membership). So keep that in mind when considering what tablet to buy...the Wacom ones have a proven track record.

Just be patient working with it, like I said, it takes some getting used to.
l be sure to look around when I do go to Costco but for now, Costco is my food-supply ;)


10 mins late to everything
Thank you guys for all your help :)! Thank you to @Jasmine who made me change my idea to get a more trusted and known brand!

You may close this thread because... ^_^ I bought it meow
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Yay you purchased the one I suggested :P. Congrats on your new tablet! I'm looking forward to seeing some on your designs.
Hi, so i know im a bit late in the whole helping you pick which tablet to buy, but seeing as i just got a drawing tablet for christmas and haven't had tons of time to work with it, i can share some tips that really helped me out a lot when i started working with mine.

1. Once your tablet comes in be sure and go in and adjust the properties such as pressure sensitivity, right or left-handed set up, and cursor speed to your personal preferences. If you spend a little bit of time playing around with the settings and moving back and forth between the settings area and your drawing program you'll find that the tablet is much easier to use with settings that give the best response to how you move.

2. Use the tablet in pen mode. I've found that certain programs *cough* photoshop *cough* that i really like to use for photo manipulation and adding cute details into my backgrounds once I've finished up the drawings, or for the drawings themselves if im in the mood for it, dont like to cooperate when the tablet is in mouse mode. Firealpaca seems to do the same thing (if you want good, free drawing software, you should check firealpaca out.)

3. Start out by practicing basic shapes like circles, squares, and rectangles. It helps a lot when you're working on your actual drawings. And it helps you figure out how to get the lines to flow together more smoothly, which is really helpful when you're inking your drawings.
I was wondering if with a graphic tablet you could do graphite pencil drawings. I love drawing and my favorite medium is graphite, but I really hate having my hands turn black from the blending. So I was wondering if one of these tablets could be an option for me.


°☆。* Unburnable Trash *・°☆
I was wondering if with a graphic tablet you could do graphite pencil drawings. I love drawing and my favorite medium is graphite, but I really hate having my hands turn black from the blending. So I was wondering if one of these tablets could be an option for me.
Sure~! There's a bunch of different art programs that have brushes that help emulate nearly every medium of drawing ;v;
Many traditional artists love digital art because it gives them a chance to stay clean XD, so if staying clean is what you want then a tablet is definitely an option for you~

Graphite brushes for Photoshop (there's probably more~!):

Paint Tool SAI
These aren't exaactly graphite brushes but these are pencil brushes that have a similar texture ;v;
And there's definitely a lot more pencil-like brush settings SAI users came up with ;u;

So,whenever you start looking into buying a tablet, you should think about art programs as well ;u;!
^Here's a list of free art programs in case you ever want to mess around with those~


10 mins late to everything
Thank you. ^ u ^ I was actually not going to do that now I am.
Hi, so i know im a bit late in the whole helping you pick which tablet to buy, but seeing as i just got a drawing tablet for christmas and haven't had tons of time to work with it, i can share some tips that really helped me out a lot when i started working with mine.

1. Once your tablet comes in be sure and go in and adjust the properties such as pressure sensitivity, right or left-handed set up, and cursor speed to your personal preferences. If you spend a little bit of time playing around with the settings and moving back and forth between the settings area and your drawing program you'll find that the tablet is much easier to use with settings that give the best response to how you move.

2. Use the tablet in pen mode. I've found that certain programs *cough* photoshop *cough* that i really like to use for photo manipulation and adding cute details into my backgrounds once I've finished up the drawings, or for the drawings themselves if im in the mood for it, dont like to cooperate when the tablet is in mouse mode. Firealpaca seems to do the same thing (if you want good, free drawing software, you should check firealpaca out.)

3. Start out by practicing basic shapes like circles, squares, and rectangles. It helps a lot when you're working on your actual drawings. And it helps you figure out how to get the lines to flow together more smoothly, which is really helpful when you're inking your drawings.