Guess your age/gender quiz


Shut up, and dance with me!
You are female. Correct
2. You are currently in your mid 40's.- No lets take 20 years off that please!!!
3. You are raising a beautiful family, you have a career you're quite pleased with. HAHA no, recently married yes, but I seriously hate my job.... SOOOO
4. You've recently started volunteering in your community. UHM n0
. You are taller than average, you have gorgeous dark hair and beautiful brown eyes. I'm 5'3" so no I'm not tall, I'm redheaded now but only for a month and I'm naturally blonde, brown eyes yes.


Well-Known Member

Here is our best guess at who you are:
1. You are male. Wrong!
2. You are still a teenager, but won't be one for very much longer. Wrong again!
3. You're in college and are already worried about finding the perfect job that will be both fulfilling and will pay well. Your future worries you more than you'd like to admit. Possibly
4. You have beautiful, silky brown hair and big eyes. Ummm no
5. You know that if you'd only believe in yourself more, things would be much easier for you. Yet you still doubt your instincts more than you should, instead of trusting them every time. Yes and no.

Apparently, taking two hours to get ready in the morning and wearing nail polish sometimes makes me a male?!


just your friendly neighborhood allusion
Male, Mid 50’s

Here is our best guess at who you are:
1. You are male. no, female.
2. You are currently in your mid fifties, still working hard and enjoying every minute of it. I'm 19 and I hate work
3. You are starting to go bald, but you don't care about it as much as you thought you would when you were younger. You still have your good looks, your gray eyes and your sense of humor. green eyes, but yes to baldness
4. You have a beautiful loving family, great life-long friends, even the doctor is happy with your annual check up! no no no
5. Things are generally good, and you just wish they'll stay that way for much, much longer. er, no.

So, how did we do? How many of these did we get right? Tell us in the comments!


Well-Known Member
Male, Mid 50’s

Here is our best guess at who you are:
1. You are male. no, female.
2. You are currently in your mid fifties, still working hard and enjoying every minute of it. I'm 19 and I hate work
3. You are starting to go bald, but you don't care about it as much as you thought you would when you were younger. You still have your good looks, your gray eyes and your sense of humor. green eyes, but yes to baldness
4. You have a beautiful loving family, great life-long friends, even the doctor is happy with your annual check up! no no no
5. Things are generally good, and you just wish they'll stay that way for much, much longer. er, no.

So, how did we do? How many of these did we get right? Tell us in the comments!
Here is our best guess at who you are:
1. You are female. yes
2. You are currently in your twenties, you are single, dating at nights and balancing a promising career during the day. nope i am 17 and i don't date and i don't have a career either
3. You are smart, calculated, funny and imaginative. ok sure
4. You have black hair, dark eyes a cute nose. complete opposite tbh (cute nose is tru tho)
5. You own a pet. kinda

oh and uh
the picture was an african american woman sorri not me


Here is our best guess at who you are:
1. You are female. yes
2. You are currently in your twenties, you are single, dating at nights and balancing a promising career during the day. nope i am 17 and i don't date and i don't have a career either
3. You are smart, calculated, funny and imaginative. ok sure
4. You have black hair, dark eyes a cute nose. complete opposite tbh (cute nose is tru tho)
5. You own a pet. kinda

oh and uh
the picture was an african american woman sorri not me
you're a hot white african americna woman.
1. You are male. false
2. You are still a teenager, but won't be one for very much longer. true
3. You're in college and are already worried about finding the perfect job that will be both fulfilling and will pay well. Your future worries you more than you'd like to admit. false, i'm probably starting in the fall though, true and true
4. You have beautiful, silky brown hair and big eyes. false, i have naturally dirty blonde hair (though it's green right now) and idk my eyes are kinda medium sized
5. You know that if you'd only believe in yourself more, things would be much easier for you. Yet you still doubt your instincts more than you should, instead of trusting them every time. true and pretty true


Well-Known Member
Here is our best guess at who you are:
1. You are female. Yes
2. You are currently in your twenties, you are single, dating at nights and balancing a promising career during the day. I'm 18 so i guess its close enough. i wish i had a promising career ughhh
3. You are smart, calculated, funny and imaginative. LOL, i dont think i am but ok
4. You have black hair, dark eyes a cute nose. dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, my nose is ok
5. You own a pet. Yea, a border collie
Here is our best guess at who you are:
1. You are male. no
2. You are still a teenager, but won't be one for very much longer. tru
3. You're in college and are already worried about finding the perfect job that will be both fulfilling and will pay well. Your future worries you more than you'd like to admit. no
4. You have beautiful, silky brown hair and big
5. You know that if you'd only believe in yourself more, things would be much easier for you. Yet you still doubt your instincts more than you should, instead of trusting them every time. no
Here is our best guess at who you are:
1. You are male. No
2. You are in currently in your mid 30's. No
3. You are married and just became a parent. You are experiencing exciting days, and more are on their way, but through it all you remain strong, loving and deeply caring. No
4. You have short hair - partly gray, brown eyes and a fit body. No on the short/gray hair
5. You decided long ago that your kids must have a better childhood than the one you had. You know you'll do anything to make sure of that. Uh? lol not exactly

Well. that was kind of a dud for me lol..
1. You are female.
2. You are currently in your twenties, you are single, dating at nights and balancing a promising career during the day.
3. You are smart, calculated, funny and imaginative.
4. You have black hair, dark eyes a cute nose.
5. You own a pet.

1, I am
2. I'm 19
3. That's what people tell me! ;)
4. I have blonde hair, brown eyes, and my nose is gigantic. But sure
5. Sure do.

Close enough.
This quiz was hilarious...I found it myself on facebook and was going to share it here but you beat me to it!

Here is our best guess at who you are:
1. You are male.
2. You are in currently in your mid 30's.
3. You are married and just became a parent. You are experiencing exciting days, and more are on their way, but through it all you remain strong, loving and deeply caring.
4. You have short hair - partly gray, brown eyes and a fit body.
5. You decided long ago that your kids must have a better childhood than the one you had. You know you'll do anything to make sure of that.

Um, no to all of the above. Lol.


Adventure time, come on grab your friends!
Here is our best guess at who you are:
1. You are male. Lol, I'm female.
2. You are still a teenager, but won't be one for very much longer. Yep, I just turn 17 yesterday.
3. You're in college and are already worried about finding the perfect job that will be both fulfilling and will pay well. Your future worries you more than you'd like to admit. Nah, I'm a senior in high school.
4. You have beautiful, silky brown hair and big eyes. I'm not too sure on this one. My hair looks black, but my mom says its actually dark brown.
5. You know that if you'd only believe in yourself more, things would be much easier for you. Yet you still doubt your instincts more than you should, instead of trusting them every time. It makes me uncomfortable how accurate this is to me.
Male, Mid 30's, graying hair.... They couldn't be anymore wrong. O_o

1. You are male.
2. You are in currently in your mid 30's.
3. You are married and just became a parent. You are experiencing exciting days, and more are on their way, but through it all you remain strong, loving and deeply caring.
4. You have short hair - partly gray, brown eyes and a fit body.
5. You decided long ago that your kids must have a better childhood than the one you had. You know you'll do anything to make sure of that.
Here is our best guess at who you are:
1. You are female.
2. You are currently in your twenties, you are single, dating at nights and balancing a promising career during the day.
3. You are smart, calculated, funny and imaginative.
4. You have black hair, dark eyes a cute nose.
5. You own a pet.

… Female in 20's… Close enough


Well-Known Member
Here is our best guess at who you are:
1. You are female. Yes
2. You are currently in your mid fifties. Take off 30 years... though I am already starting to get wrinkly.
3. You have a wonderful big family and a deep loving connection with your lifelong partner. What partner? My insulin pump and chemistry book?
4. You have Short hair, light colored eyes and stylish glasses. No, no, and I think my glasses are stylish. Does this person think I am the twin of Suze Orman?
5. You have long ago decided to live every minute to the fullest. Your life experiences taught you that no moment should be wasted on something or someone you don't love. Yes


♥ нιρ ツ ♥
1. You are male.
2. You are still a teenager, but won't be one for very much longer.
3. You're in college and are already worried about finding the perfect job that will be both fulfilling and will pay well. Your future worries you more than you'd like to admit.
4. You have beautiful, silky brown hair and big eyes.
5. You know that if you'd only believe in yourself more, things would be much easier for you. Yet you still doubt your instincts more than you should, instead of trusting them every time.

Oh ... Okay guys apparently I'm a male..


Ugh college.. nah I already have my eyes set on animation I'm good

my hair is not beautiful it has tangles OMG... the big eyes thing yup.

Okay number 5 is true..