Has your name been mispronounced or misspelled?


Yep, my name is zeina, pronounced zayn-a and people misspell it all the time like zaina or zena , they are correct anyways but i like it that way.
Bump- People still mispronounce and misspell my name as Antonio instead of Antonia :faint:
How have I not been on this thread yet. My name is pronounced like @Nnilak's, but mine is spelled with 2 y's and 1 n. I get called Carolyn, Kaitlin, and even Kaln. My name is spelled wrong in SO many ways: Kailin, Kailyn, Kaylynn, Kaylin, Cailin, Caylinne, Klyn (not even joking), Kalyn, the list goes on and on.... Wanna know what really makes me mad? When I correct people and they say "Whatever, it's just a name". EXCUSE ME?!?! :rage:


myVMKPal Creator
myVMKPal Creator
Most commonly people will flip the "L" and the "Y" in my name. So instead of Kolya (cole-ya) [long a], it gets pronounced "Koyla" (koi-la).
Either that, or they drop the y entirely. "Cola."
I've also had people misread it and call me "Kayla."

People tend to just start caling me "coleslaw" after a while if they don't get it.
One time I introduced as Greg
That person then responded, "Craig?"
I never introduced as Greg again.
Always Gregory.

People also occasionally put two Gs in my name- like Gregg? I suppose this is another spelling, but it isn't mine ;)

Also, I have 3 first names... Gregory George Leo, and it seems like people like to take their pick? I'm not Leo, I'm not George, I'm Gregory.
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My name is Kodie so basically every other possible spelling has been used before, ESPECIALLY at Starbucks. Cody, Codi, Codie, Kodi...... When I was in middle school whenever I would have new friends over and they'd call their parents to tell them where they were their moms would always also think I was a boy "I'm at Kodie's.... no it's a girl..." Solid, parents :Dance:


violent delights
My first name is Morgan which is pretty hard to mispronounce/spell. I've had a lot of teachers call me Megan though. However my last name is mispronounced all the time. It's not even that hard. It's Caudill. Not Caldwell or Caudill with an emphasis on the dill or Cuddle. Caudill like coddle. People always make it sound fancier than it is.
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Yeah. Especially at my old dentist's office. I said whatever after someone asked my name about a million times. Changing it to Eileen. Pretty dumb. Kept thinking I had an appointment.
I eventually left the dentist's office; It was a child's office.
I now go to one for adults.


Well-Known Member
My name is Andrea (An-Drey-Uh) and people have pronounced it many different way throughout the years that I don't care anymore but what does bug me is when after I say my name it usually changed to Adriana, Alexandra or Ana.
One occassion I was called three different names altogther : Megan, Melissa and Emily?