Have you ever wondered about our higher ups?


Atomic Bombss
So during the Event of meeting the new Host, VMK_Rosetta.
I entered the room and looked around with about a good couple of hand fulls of vmk players :D
It was pretty cramped but while I was reading the conversations Amy comes in.
And things get spammy ( yes I know my vocab is so awesome :D), everyone started asking her questions about her hat. Just as they were asking other hosts questions. They told her to release it.. etc.
And it reminded me of yesterday, when I got scared out of my mind when Eliz randomly showed up in my friend's room, she was funny and stuff, especially how she appeared, but then someone else in the room piled her with questions... Why...? We were all just having fun like 5 minutes ago.. She seemed like she wanted to join in and have fun too.

During my orientation we were given a book of 101 things to do before we graduate, one of those things was "Take a professor out to lunch." Now I was surprised but not that surprise to see it there... in the explanation it said, "even the professors are humans too."

And it made me think about the shenanigans that go around, like the arguing that we do because it's getting "too strict" because of the younger people coming in. Or the questions we ask, and the suffocation we do.. I guess I'm just thinking too much into it.

And I know they love what they do and all, but why must we smother them? They are humans too, maybe there is too much of us to actually get to know them and all we do is want to and tons of questions is how we show it.

I know when I see them I ask them what it feels like because I always wonder if they have a lot of times when they feel suffocated or lonely(of not getting the actual experience and actual make friends by getting to know people and not just by their name and job).

Sorry for the random post, if it bothers you I'm sorry. Thank you for reading.

And I thank you Mods, Hosts, Designers and Amy for going through all of this :) I hope we all treat you well from now on.

Have a nice day :)


Well-Known Member
I agree with this, I have witnessed this many of times. Trading seems to blind the fact that the staff want to have fun too.

Great point :)


Well-Known Member
I'd have to agree. It's their job as staff to answer questions and help out players. If they want to play like a normal person, they can play on a normal account :D
That kind of makes it seem like someone wouldn't act his/her self because they are staff. I understand the alternate account thing, but they still should be able to act normally.


Atomic Bombss
There is the matter though that bothers me a lot of how people give them a hard time. But that can't be fixed with just a post :/ It bothers me that they work so hard and people just disregard it...
Well I for one like to keep the questions lighthearted. I did ask Amy if she beheaded a dalek just so she could wear it.
I have noticed how other players tend to jump on staff whenever they enter a room, and I think we need to realize they do this for fun too.


Previously Tessa
Staff create a new account when they are promoted, because they will use that specific account for their job only. Professionalism is expected, and they should be held in high regard, considering they are the ones protecting you and the rest of the community. They pop in occasionally to hang out, but you have to keep in mind that they are there to do their job, which consists of handling countless CFH reports and overseeing the activity of the game. They do talk to us to show that they care for us and enjoy spending time with the community. But, they are here to work, just like real life jobs. Which is why they have an alternate account to play on when they have spare time.
Staff create a new account when they are promoted, because they will use that specific account for their job only. Professionalism is expected, and they should be held in high regard, considering they are the ones protecting you and the rest of the community. They pop in occasionally to hang out, but you have to keep in mind that they are there to do their job, which consists of handling countless CFH reports and overseeing the activity of the game. They do talk to us to show that they care for us and enjoy spending time with the community. But, they are here to work, just like real life jobs. Which is why they have an alternate account to play on when they have spare time.
That doesn't mean that some of us don't play on our staff accounts to make somebody's day. And for the post stating people "have to watch what they say with staff": If you're having to do this, then you should probably reevaluate how you're talking in public, I assume you meant not bypassing the filter..
Then there are staff members like myself, who barely has enough time for a player account because of the all of the things going on this account. We do our jobs, yes. Always. However, if you see a staff member just relaxing and talking casually with players, it's not disobeying their duty. We enjoy not always feeling like we are only regarded as staff.. Believe it or not, though the questions are not a problem, nor would they ever be, it is stressful to be asked many different things at one time. I have had many players say they can't talk in front of us since they are afraid of getting in trouble.. If you can't say anything without being inappropriate, that's not a very good habit.. My point is, we ARE humans. We do get affected by the amount of hate we get sometimes (I know that I have seen almost every one of the staff be brought down a time or two..) and regardless of all of that.. we do our jobs the best we can. :) This wasn't a response to anyone, just something I think the community should consider <3

Some of the best experiences with staff within the game for me have been when they come visit a guest room when we are just chatting and relaxing. Being able to just enjoy the time with them without the million questions.
That being said, we are fortunate with MyVMK for having many more opportunities to enjoy the company of staff members. During VMK's run it was a rarity. Yes, we would see a HOST every now and then outside of event but it was rare. Hardly ever did we see a VMK_ staff member let alone have a gathering to welcome new staff members.
The MyVMK staff have worked hard to be very personable and while it understandable many have frustrations and questions, we have the forums for just such things. I hope we can turn the corner now with more information and updates being posted. Maybe with this our in-game time with staff can be more enjoyable and uplifting for them when they do come visit.


Atomic Bombss
Some of the best experiences with staff within the game for me have been when they come visit a guest room when we are just chatting and relaxing. Being able to just enjoy the time with them without the million questions.
That being said, we are fortunate with MyVMK for having many more opportunities to enjoy the company of staff members. During VMK's run it was a rarity. Yes, we would see a HOST every now and then outside of event but it was rare. Hardly ever did we see a VMK_ staff member let alone have a gathering to welcome new staff members.
The MyVMK staff have worked hard to be very personable and while it understandable many have frustrations and questions, we have the forums for just such things. I hope we can turn the corner now with more information and updates being posted. Maybe with this our in-game time with staff can be more enjoyable and uplifting for them when they do come visit.
Amen :D I agree, the questions should be for the forums and the fun should be for the game. I would like to get to know them not more about the gameeee. Isn't there a "Questions" part of the forums anyhow?