hi guys

Hi it's Prim here, if you know me in-game, and you're a really close friend, then maybe you'll remember this. One day my friends and I, probably around march or april, we were talking about colours (i know some of ya'll don't really care and are like yawning). I said I hated yellow. I never really got on the subject why.

Five years ago today, my oldest cousin was diagnosed with childhood cancer. Well he didn't get it today, he had it for a while now. I was younger, and immature. I didn't really like talking to him because he was bald, and it freaked me out. I should've spent more time with him, but I didn't understand. Five years ago today, he died because of his sickness. I think the only person i might've mentioned this to was @RockStar_PoohBear. Please put him in your prayers tonight it would really mean a lot to me. The color of childhood cancer ribbon is in fact gold, similar to yellow. I happened to get a phone that was yellow, and I hate it so much. I hope you guys understand. Hugs ~ Prim <3