How the Inventory API Might Be Used

After reading this thread, do you think neat things could be done with the API?

  • Yes

    Votes: 26 54.2%
  • No

    Votes: 22 45.8%

  • Total voters
Okay, first off, a lot this thread is based directly off of my recent post in the main thread, so there probably won't be too much new. I 100% promise you, if VMK was still a game today, the API would be being used. There's so many things that could be done with it, from the obvious things, like being able to easily output your own inventory into a list, to others, like a smart phone app that lets you manage things like pins, Magic and trading.

The problem with the poll is it's not very helpful if you like part of the idea, but not public inventories. Of course we shouldn't have publicly viewable inventories on some website like with TF2. That's pretty obvious. But why shouldn't I be able to view my own anywhere I want? Why couldn't I use this tool to get my inventory, tick various items I want to be for trade, and then use that, along with a searchable list of the database, to pick items I'm trading things I have for. Worried about newbies? Simple to solve. Don't allow the tool to be used by players who have joined recently, or put up a warning about being careful of sharing your inventory with others. It's not that hard.

Using what I stated in my previous paragraph, if we wanted to invest a bit more time, and depending on how robust the API is (Which I suspect can do this, as I'm guessing this was the one used for Contact Us reports of things like scams, you could probably also develop an automatic trade system. For example, I want to trade my Bird Hat for Dream Ears. I could put up a trade that will automatically do that. This could be done publicly, where it's a request for that trade, or privately, where it only auto-trades when someone offers at least a Dream Ears. And since this is an external API, and not part of the game, I assume this entire theoretical trade could have taken place on the smartphone app you all desperately want.

Think about that if you think the game is too focused on trading, and you are worried this would make it worse. This wouldn't make it worse, it'd reduce the amount of time you need to invest in it. It would make it so you could spend more of your time in VMK actually playing mini-games and hanging out with friends, or building rooms. If you'd normally be spending 10-20 minutes in a trading room to wait until that person who want to do the deal you want comes in, you can just pop it down on here, and let the application taking advantage of the API do it for you.

Even then, this is one example of what might be possible. Something I think most people would like, and find a useful option. And if you don't like it in particular, there's plenty of other things that could be done with simply the inventory viewing and editing functions I'm fairly certain are there. If it was well developed, we could make a much easier, and cooler version of the Secret Santa present giving from the original game. I could have the game automatically send something a friend really wanted to him, even if I know we don't be online on Christmas day! That item your friend wanted you to buy for them since they knew they couldn't be on? It'll show up next time they login, so there's no chance they will miss a chance at a good trade. Want to make a trade on the forums, but you are having trouble being logged in at the same time? Well, you can always do the trade using an outside app. These are just ideas I had from 10 minutes of thinking. What would you do with it?

And here's the other thing. I'm guessing creating things like I said that would use this API wouldn't eat of time that could better be devoted to the game. Other people here, who's skills lie in developing things for things other that Shockwave could do it, while Amy is working hard on the game. This is the joy of it.

This is why I say a new tread should be done eventually. The game does work. The API does exist. You are accomplishing nothing at all by saying no.
I think it's a great idea to at least consider. It could prove to be a stepping stone for future developments such as letting you purchase new items from your smartphone and such.
Well, I'm sure that's theoretically possible. I suppose it probably could be used to add items to players inventories and subtract credits, if they wanted to maintain two separate stores. Didn't even think about the store idea.
There's definitely some creative possibilities here. I like your ideas.


Well-Known Member
As long as there are no item histories and nobody can publicly view my backpack, I would theoretically support it. I think that a lot of the features of it would have to be neutered, but I do see the benefits, even though I voted against it happening. It makes me uncomfortable to think that my items are not entirely private, and I don't like the idea of item histories. I'd rather not know what my items have been through, just that they've gotten to me.

I do see how it would be neat to be able to set up trades through a program, but I think at the moment we're all thinking too far into the foreseeable future.
Yet it's contingent upon everyone else cooperating. Everything is fine and dandy and super awesome and helpful... only if everyone participates. Most people would opt-out, creating a smaller pool, rendering it nearly pointless. I know the positive applications, but there are more people like me who will opt-out than there are people who want it.
Preferably in a month or so, when people no longer feel polls for new features means longer waiting for the game to launch, and have had some time to get used to having the game up.
You can't really be against an API system. Now keep in mind, I'm saying this based on enthusiast understanding, and not professional computer training. An API lets external applications access features that might normally require more in depth access. Basically in VMK's case, it lets things on the outside applications change things like what's in your inventory, or how many credits you have, or what trades you recently made. The way this information is used is what people really have things they can be for or against. In VMK, this kind of thing was to check things like scams. The staff could add items to replace the stolen ones to your inventory. It was also probably the mechanic that allowed them to do the gifting of gifts for Christmas. You'd send in a request, and 100 credits would be removed from your account, and show up in another. Here, those same functions could be used for a lot more things. Another example I forgot is mobile games to earn credits, at the end of the mobile game, it would use the API for credit editing to add X credits to your total.
Obviously, most uses I've proposed would require a login to an account to verify you are the one requesting info, or making trades.


Well-Known Member
You can't really be against an API system. Now keep in mind, I'm saying this based on enthusiast understanding, and not professional computer training.
The poll in this thread says that you can be against it. Speaking as someone who used to write server plugins, one of them being a backpack viewer (this was all TF2 that I did this for), I can still be against it. If some "features" are removed such as item history and public inventories, I may be more inclined to support it, but as it stands, I'd still have to say no.
The poll is basically to see if people understand the use cases I can see it having really, and that the API itself doesn't automatically require publicly viewable inventories or trade history. Whether you are for or against individual uses is another matter, for a separate thread, and I totally agree on public inventory other than than for easy of listing my own items for trade (IE Public in that I can copy paste the private list for public use), trade history and the like. Maybe a public meter of the amount of items in circulation? Eh. Probably not, as that'd cause problems, but I'd be a bit sad if I posted another poll in 3 months asking about a game on the iPhone you could play, and earn credits, then ERMAGERD DO WANT, when that is exactly what the API could be used for. I don't see anyone freaking out about the Tomorrowland game putting items in their inventories with it, which is presumably using the API. And people don't like codes! Believe me! I asked! It seemed they wanted the API, if that is indeed what is being used to accomplish the direct deposit of the Tomorrowland game awards over the use of codes. Maybe the key is to not tell people the API is what's being used to do the cool things?