How to turn off Thread Watching?


SITS hoarder

Ever since the new update, any time i comment on ANY thread, it automatically watches the thread for me. I get updates anytime someone else comment. This wouldn't be THAT annoying, except I have the app on my phone so it goes off literally 5 times in 10 minutes.

Is there ANY way to shut this off? I don't want to automatically watch every thread I comment on. Also, I know how to unwatch threads but it's annoying to have to go down and manually unwatch every thread.


I'm not sure if you have figured this out yet, so here are the instructions on how to unwatch a thread or turn off email notifications:

1. Click here.
2. Click the checkbox on the thread you wish to stop watching
3. Select the correct option in drop down menu


SITS hoarder
Is there any way to turn it off automatically? Because whenever I unwatch a thread and then comment again, it starts watching it again.