Injection Induced Earthquakes


l'antico vampiro
I think it's important that more people start thinking about things that supposedly don't affect them but in reality do, so I've decided to bring up this topic and shed some more light on something I believe the world can help prevent right now. Many people believe earthquakes are something that people have zero control over. ONLY 'Mother Nature' creates earthquakes...? ... right...?...; NO...that is far from the truth and humans couldn't be more WRONG. Human beings are continuing to turn a blind eye and harming the planet at an exponential rate. <-----That much is certain. What I have noticed is an increase in earthquake activity over the last few years and began to wonder why. Whilst some people believe that earthquakes only appear in certain parts of the world because they've never actually 'felt one' even though they are still occurring (the magnitude may not always be strong for you to feel the actual vibrations.) Many questions can be asked but why?...What's different about the world as opposed to the last few decades or even years?...Are human beings really causing unnecessary earthquakes? I think it comes down to common sense and pointing to the fact that human beings are destroying this world for the continued existence of life. Oil and gas consumption is tied to earthquakes, using up the planet's fossil fuels. Asides from the obvious effects that it has on our planet, this got me thinking...why?.. Where does the waste go? Back into the earth when humans inject it (or the atmosphere in other cases).

So I don't go getting into too much detail from a scientific point on it; human beings are feeding this planet c**p to be blunt. Whereas that is injections of these fluids back underground or removing fluids from the planet. My point in bringing this up is that if humans cannot see or feel something with their senses, usually they ignore it. Earthquakes you can feel, so how can it be ignored...? How can people continue to ignore what's happening to this planet even when they sense it? I believe the core of the problem is greed. I've said it before in another post and here I will say it again. If the nature of human beings do not change, it will only cause the demise of all living things.

If people still refuse to acknowledge the problem even when they know it’s there due to their own human senses telling them it is, then let's make the example personal. ---------------------->

Think of it this way. Let's say you go out to eat and have something terrible for dinner. Gross right...? You consume a meal that doesn't agree with your body (or your taste). Without getting into gruesome details, let's just say that the meal has to come back up. Think of the planet has a living being then in those terms, what happens when you feed it something bad? What happens when you take things out of it? Eventually, it will get sick and die (human terms). The planet is already sick. People are killing it. Would you continue to eat something such as toxic waste knowing it would kill you? Why continue to feed something that you depend on for your own existence? Are we causing earthquakes and is mother nature trying to tell us to stop?.... You bet your.......ahem....... we are...and that the planet is pleading with us in more than one way to tell us TO STOP. When will people finally understand(?) Does it take this generation to finally understand and do something about it or the next generation...or the next?...When will human beings stop trying to ignore it for the purpose of greed or self-denial?....All living things come to an end but human beings have control over when that end is met for the planet. That is the true point and purpose that humans deny. The will to act, to make a positive impact. To stop while there is still the opportunity to do something about it. It is completely within the power and free will to change the course of history, not to continue leading the planet down into this path of destruction and darkness.

I'm not sure how much more blunt or frank I can be... people have to start acting. Many small scales lead to larger scales. You can do something about it. No matter who you are, each individual is responsible for this and each individual is responsible for the outcome. Decide to do something about it and it will change the fate of this planet. If I felt expressing this was a waste of time, I wouldn't of spent the time to type this out. Even if these words only reach one person's will and mind to change their outlook on how crucial it is, then that's one more than before and the concept of 'one more' adds up quickly.

What are your thoughts?

Have you personally experienced earthquakes where you live? (have you noticed an increase over the past few years/few decades?)

Do you think human beings will change their ways before it's too late?

How many things in nature have to go wrong before human beings will finally say "Ok...maybe we are causing the destruction of the planet" Or are most simply too wrapped up in their own individual worlds and mindset?

Must change only take place on the brink of annihilation? Will it be too late before the masses decide to actually do something about the numerous effects and toll it takes more and more with each passing year?
Human beings can change their ways, but they don't because naturally we - let's face it - adopt an anthropocentric view as a society as it benefits us to supposedly financially and materialistically prosper. When all we need to live is oxygen, water, food, shelter, community, and understandably advancement in technology to improve life. It may probably be too late when the world has already drastically changed and turned into the worst when we'd be scrambling for a solution because we procrastinated to make the world's health a priority. I can imagine a science fiction ending of the world where it's too hot to live on and natural resources so scarce, only a limited few can start living on the moon or on a space station because of limited funds and space. The problem is what seems to be apathy and disinterest towards the environment of which is seemingly neglected for care for other immediate concerns and priorities. I suppose the environment will suffer as long as we are here, and we and future generations will suffer the direct and indirect consequences of our actions as humans in due time. Personally I'll try to do what I can to not hurt the environment any more than I am simply for even existing by being grateful for what I have and not waste. Yet until we are all bound by strict world laws advocating to save our planet, I don't see much change aside from a small scale doing much to help enough to turn back the clocks of time to a happy healthy Earth or stabilize its condition unless we stop consuming as much as we do.

Oh and I never experienced an earthquake. Interesting how you say how we can cause earthquakes, though. Everything we do does have a consequence, no matter how small it makes a difference.


l'antico vampiro
"Personally I'll try to do what I can to not hurt the environment any more than I am simply for even existing by being grateful for what I have and not waste."

^ That's wonderful to hear. People have to start somewhere. The planet needs to be heard, even if it doesn't have a 'voice' per say as a person thinks of in terms of speech. It is still trying to talk to those that live on it. Human beings just have to open their minds and listen.

Just because someone doesn't speak English, does that mean they aren't speaking to you?..Perhaps humans have to think of things in relative terms in order to understand and take it seriously. The planet speaks; you should listen because it spells doom for all if you do not. What kills me about human beings is that people must involve politics and having to make something a LAW in order to get the world to understand something that they can do something about it or for fear of going to prison for breaking man-made law. This is simple. It's not hard and it doesn't require money, so the fear of adding to any national debt accumulation shouldn't be present. That change requires taking money out of the pockets of those in positions of political power. Politics is a double edged sword for humans. While it can provide stability and goodness it can also cause chaos and greed. So where is the middle ground? Where does it start? I think it should start with having law-makers in positions of power that don't owe their constituents (not the average citizens who simply vote) millions upon millions of dollars (and favors) for getting them into a position of office. Truth be told, many of the earth's problems could be solved by 'killing multiple birds with one stone', so to speak. It all goes back to the main issue, the sin of human greed. If people only begin to listen once they are forced to listen (by law) then nothing will ever change unless government changes. It has to start with citizens being concerned, doing their part first. Only then will the government notice and think about change. Governments don't care as long as the people don't care. Government is only there to enforce law. For better or worse. Of course that isn't everything in a nutshell and I could go on and on but I think it's the most direct approach of simply saying "uhhh... hey something is wrong here..."

Is it not the job of the planet's inhabitants to protect what they've been given? Listen to her, the planet is speaking to you. Injection Induced Earthquakes is just one example to get human beings to stop destroying the world and to finally acknowledge the problem so that they can actively make a difference. Remain silent and walk through life without a concern or care for anything outside of one's own realm then what higher purpose do you serve? None. What impact have you made? Doing nothing is just as bad as watching it happen and saying "oh well.."
A couple of things:

I honestly thought you were a little bit crazy (in a good way!) when I read your first post...people causing earthquakes? I did a google search and found this very interesting article:

Apparently I am the crazy one, lol ;)

So this brings up a dilemma. I think using geothermal energy is a great, clean way to provide power for people, but it can also cause some pretty big earthquakes. Same with dams; great way to store water and provide a large source of energy but the downfall is earthquakes.

Obviously there are are some things we can try to stop doing, like fracking, oil drilling, etc, but I think these changes are going to come about slowly as we become less oil dependent and technologies advance far enough for us that we don't need those sources of power.


I am moving this to debates because you do ask for people's thoughts (which is basically their opinions which then leads to differing opinions, aka debates), and I think this will fit better (and possibly get more responses) in that section.


(EDIT: Also, anyone interested in how traditional earthquakes occur: )


l'antico vampiro
Cool, I can finally see this section...muahaaa


It’s funny you say that because I think most people assume someone is crazy when they speak of things that aren't quite understood or known about by general society. Thankfully there is the internet nowadays so that people with curiosity can learn and do research at their own fingertips. Heck, that's quite an advancement if you think about it. Personally, I like to think backwards, learn from history as to not repeat it, as they say. A prime example of this is Galileo Galilei I think. People thought he was crazy for thinking that the earth revolved around the sun as well as the other planets at a time when it was believed the earth was the center of the universe. Of course, during his time he could have been executed by the church for his thoughts since it wasn't popular thought. I won't go into that since it's a bit off topic but needless to say, for a very long time now I have wondered if earthquakes were more than just the shifting of plates caused by nature and if human interference could cause earthquakes. I don't think it’s really been brought to the lime-light until recently and with the move of internet resources and more studies that they've done on it.

Now as far as technology goes, we've actually had the technology to move beyond depending on such a heavy need for oil and gas. If you want to know more about that and why I think that; that's another discussion I'm willing to have with whoever wants to talk about it and is truly interested. There are numerous reasons why technology has moved so slow in this area seemingly and it's not that human beings don't have the resources. Truth be told, the technology to move away from depending on many things that cause the planet harm has been here, on this planet in the minds of individuals for decades. I know that might sound well to others. Just think of how crazy it would sound to someone living in the 17th century, trying to explain an automobile....goes back to my theory that most human beings have to see or feel something with their senses in order to understand it. That's why I brought up earthquakes and why I think perhaps then, that's the key to getting people to finally doing something about this planet and moving things in a positive direction for the future. Starting somewhere will move the process onward, I believe in my mind that Earthquakes could be beginning to get human beings to stop worrying about greed, which is the up-most problem for advancement/progress. It's unfortunate to think that the earth must endure terrible events of course to get beings to listen; even when they do and terrible events happen, I've seen little change. While it's hard at times to be optimistic for human beings on this planet, some bright lights do shine through. Spreading those lights (in a metaphorical sense) and using technology to advance and undo decades of harm, that's the true key I believe. The human spirit is amazingly strong, I think people just need to put it to the test. Ask more of thy self, do more and I believe others will follow. The fact is, the problems the planet faces due to humans will never be corrected unless humans reverse their ways, their thinking and stop placing emphasis on their own portfolios.