Just a quick question.


Active Member
For one can we have a question section in the forums :D.
and two how are we going to acquire our Angel hats again?
Are you going to use the same codes or not?
Or are they just going to be sold in the store?
I am kinda curious about this myself..
and I adore the Lulu and Uydr pictures <3


Active Member
TCLTamamaCandyLover said:
I think it should be sold this time or be one of the free hats we get (But for a limited time like green flips) but then again that might cause clone drama.
I disagree for one reason. I'm not able to spend my life on VMK's remake idk what to call it atm. I think when a item is sold it should be sold for atleast a day too 3 days. Because i normally log in once a day to see what items are in the store.