lets expand our musical minds

Just thought i would start a thread to post new bands you are listening to, or something you have always liked.
I love to hear new things and the best way is through word of mouth!

here is my share. no singing just instrumental but so talented and so good live. good healthy food for your ears.

i totally spelled our wrong. thats what i get for typing in the dark. this is why name is spagetti and not spaghetti. im wreckless.
=s oo i hate rap....no ty. never cared for the use of ebonics and slap a *** (bad word you know what it is) every other word of term this and that kind of music either. rap is also usually pretty degrading to women in general I think.
=s oo i hate rap....no ty. never cared for the use of ebonics and slap a *** (bad word you know what it is) every other word of term this and that kind of music either. rap is also usually pretty degrading to women in general I think.
Not all rap is degrading to woman, most mainstream rap is, but i guess thats what todays youth relates to... All music is a art, I enjoy all genres (except screamo). I just perfer rap cause i find it catchy and puny.
You should read what I said again apparently. I never said the word ALL, I said u-s-u-a-l-l-y. Im sure there is an exception to the rule just like anything else in the world but that doesnt mean id care to listen to the hoppingsins band still. If I remember right, some rap/hip hop from the 80's didn't use a lot of depredation in those terms though I suppose.


adventureland enthusiast
I'm feelin' really passionate today abt the books so I'm gonna suggest that u all listen to the books
they consist of two dudes: a guitarist/vocalist and a cellist, but the most compelling aspect of their music is that it's heavily sample-based. their songs involve snippets of speech/sound from a whole bunch of osbcure sources, from daytime television to foreign films. it's gotta be some of the most creative music I've ever heard, and listening to it is like looking through somebody's scrapbook, and being bombarded with all sorts of personal and human feelings and experiences
all our base are belong to them is another one of my favs because it reminds me of watching someone's old home movies and I find it really comforting, take time is one of the most life-affirming songs I've ever heard

yeah, gr8 band, highly recommend