Login Bug

((See edit below first image))

I was having issues with not being able to post & messages not being sent - and getting an error that I needed to fill out the body & subject for messages....then I saw Kevin said to someone on twitter that IE is not the best to use on the forum. So I opened chrome (which I don't like) and came over to log in. As you can see, it recognizes me and shows I'm now logged in, but I am also getting an invalid log in screen. Go figure that one. lol

K, I had another log in error tonight although it is different than the first one. Again, you can see it did log me in but said something about a url error redirect??? That is a bit above this VARY head so I figured I'd post it.



Well-Known Member
There are going to be bugs because:
a) they converted from phpbb instead of starting over completely
and b) the forum isn't running on a stable or recommended version.

I had a similar problem earlier; I couldn't log in. I cleared my cache on FF and it still didn't work. So I tried Chrome, and that wouldn't work either, lol... Once I restarted my computer, I was finally able to log in. I know it's related to the new domain. Yours probably was too.

How was your problem resolved?
Not sure is has been resolved. It logged me in as you can see I am logged in on the top right. But it said I wasn't logged in because of an invalid name or pass. That was the weird buggy part. lol
I know there will be bugs. Just reporting so it can be addressed. :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I know. I'm just saying there will be even more than usual because of the reasons I listed =/ You might be able to fix your issue by clearing your cache (or removing/clearing any cookies from this site). So far that hasn't worked for me, but it's worth a try, right? :)
I am getting the same Invalid Redirect URL (http://www.myvmk.com/) bug. This only happens when I login via the portal login box though. I have been able to recreate it every time I login there.
Is it possible to get my screen name back - the plain DocHT one? I can't reset my password because of AOL, but was told someone would help me. I have posted in here a couple of times and also sent an e-mail to the admins, but still no help! I know everyone is busy with bigger issues, but I see that others have had the problem resolved. Thanks!