Looking for clothing!

I'm pretty new to myVMK (joined literally yesterday lol), but I'm not new to VMK. I was here back in 2006-2008 and am pretty familiar with some of the clothing that were on it before.
That being said, I would absolutely love to get more clothing!
The main things I'm looking for are:
-princess clothing (ie: tiara, dresses, shoes, princess hat, etc.)
-pirate clothing (Jack Sparrow outfit, CHICKEN HAT - I really want this, any other clothing pieces)
-superhero costumes
-Haunted Mansion clothing (any colour)
-Cowboy pants
-Captain America outfit

These are the big things I would love! Remember that I am new so I'll try doing anything I can to accommodate for the items <3

~Captain Kaycee
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Have a Magical Day!
Hi there! Welcome to MyVMK ^_^

I have the Captain America outfit - sans boots.
Would you be able to offer green keys? Or what do you have?