Looking for firewalls, giftcards and magic


Well-Known Member
Currently trading these items
2 enchanted roses
21 bear heart chairs
3 white heart chairs
1 black heart chair
1 epcot room pin
1 cowboy pants
1 futureworld pinset full including host test track pin
1 green superhero top
6 monorail posters
*Not interested in snowman magic*
Sorry, I am just now seeing this message. I can still do this trade. It's 11:45 pm EST right now. I'll be in game for a while. If we can't meet up tonight, we'll find a time to meet up Monday. Thanks :)
RyanJ, Sorry I missed you yesterday. (Monday) I've been sick and between being tired and the heavy medicines, I ended up resting most of the day. I will be around anytime after probably 5-6pm EST. I'll message you here when I get online. Thanks again! :)