Looking for Haunted Mansion room!


Flower Princess
Okay so...I really cant get on very often and I miss all the events normally.. so Im hoping to be able to trade for the room..Its the only thing I really want besides this months host pins...Which Ill have to trade for as well...
But this is what I own and am willing to trade:

Green Explorer shirt with camera
Green Explorer shirt without camera
Gas Mask
HM Jacket Blue
Herbie Shoes
Jester hat
Minnie Queen Ears
Blue princess skirt

Alice Pin
Pirate Donald
Lost boys dream
1 green key

Chernabog Rug
Dreams Turret chair

I...Also have 2k credits at the moment I guess im willing to offer up if that will help me get the room ;n;

I really dont have too much to offer im sorry...but I hope at least some of the stuff I have is worthy of trading...Anyways! Either post here or PM me if you are interested! I also have holiday stuff from last year...If you want to meet in game and I show you more stuff I didnt think that was really worth much Ill show that too!
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