Looking for Pirate Maze Walls

I'm looking for Pirate Maze Walls. I need 15 Walls with cannons and 30 without.

What I have to trade:
1* Snowman Magic (2)
ALR Cheshire Cat Pin (1)
ALR Mad Hatter Pin (3)
Dumbo the Flying Elephant Pin -Fantasyland Pinset- (1)
Fab Five Fall Leaves Mickey Pin (2)
Fab Five Fall Leaves Donald Pin (1)
Magenta Candy Cane (1)
Explorer's Boots (1)
Mickey Ears (1) ((30 Walls+)

Post your offers below or PM me.


Just a girl waiting for the return of the shoutbox
I can do all 30.... I like the magic kind of.... What else do u have

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I'm not really sure what they're worth. 15 maybe?


I can do all 30.... I like the magic kind of.... What else do u have
That's about it... I do have a Magenta Candy Cane... I really don't have that much to offer.

Whoops! I actually need 30 without cannons and 15 with. Got that mixed up on the first post...
I can offer 6 canon walls for the mickey ears. PM if interested. Will also do walls for credit spree.
The mickey ears are worth a bit more than 10 walls... I was hoping along the lines of 25 or 30.


I can do 10 without cannons for 1 snowman magic
Looks like I'm not getting a better offer, so I'll take this one. But I won't be online for a few days. I hope that won't be a problem for you.