Looking for used blue crates and waterside ride pieces

what waterslide pieces and how many are you looking for ?
I'm interested in these items
1xOmbre Heart Chair-cyan
1xOmbre Heart Chair Teal
1x Black Heart chair
2x Hong Kong Paper Lantern Red
1x Hong Kong Paper Lantern Magenta
Holiday Chair blue
Holiday Chair Yellow
what waterslide pieces and how many are you looking for ?
I'm interested in these items
1xOmbre Heart Chair-cyan
1xOmbre Heart Chair Teal
1x Black Heart chair
2x Hong Kong Paper Lantern Red
1x Hong Kong Paper Lantern Magenta
Holiday Chair blue
Holiday Chair Yellow
I pm you
Looking for
Used blues and any Waterside pieces

Blue Clothing(not listed in the thread below) :
Minnie T-shirt
2x jeans
Long sleeve plaid button up

Anything from this thread:
hi! i'm interested in all these:

1x 50th mickey lantern
1x Well Chair1x
Turkey Leg Cart
2x Green Blizzard Ski Chair
1x Nemo Sub Front
1x 1* Cursed Storm Magic
Captain America Outfit(without mask)
Duffy Hat

I have a lot of waterslide pieces, what would you like for these items and how many each?
hi! i'm interested in all these:

1x 50th mickey lantern
1x Well Chair1x
Turkey Leg Cart
2x Green Blizzard Ski Chair
1x Nemo Sub Front
1x 1* Cursed Storm Magic
Captain America Outfit(without mask)
Duffy Hat

I have a lot of waterslide pieces, what would you like for these items and how many each?
I will pm you
I'm interested in:

1x - 1* cursted storm magic
1x - 50th mickey lantern
1x - candy cane blue
1x - candy cane red
1x - candy cane green

How many blue crates for those, each?
These items are in a pending trade sorry. if it doesn't go through I'll let you

These I can How many would you offer?
I have 21 empty blue crates. I noticed in your other thread you just posted you are offering a green key too, which I'd be interested in. Not really sure the value of what, I just have 21 of the blue crates, lol.
I have 21 empty blue crates. I noticed in your other thread you just posted you are offering a green key too, which I'd be interested in. Not really sure the value of what, I just have 21 of the blue crates, lol.
I gave you the the candy canes and the green key for your 21 empty blue crates?