Miss and Mister VMK Tencennial and Disneyland's Diamond Anniversary

As you all know, next July, The Disneyland Resort in Anaheim California will be celebrating it's 60th Anniversary, thus marking the tenth anniversary of the original VMK.
I thought it would be fun if MyVMK created an "ambassador" program of sorts, making two members of MyVMK into "Disneyland Ambassadors", who will ultimately be representing and spreading Disneyland's cultural heritage across MyVMK.

The Ambassadors will recieve a special costume

A simple suit with a special Disneyland "D" Pin.

Also, since this is the Diamond Anniversary, I was wondering if the staff of MyVMK could create some diamond studded merch or vintage inspired 1950's-1960's clothing such as:

Annett Funicello's Dress from Disneyland After Dark:

These lovely feather hats from the 1960s:

The Elliot Bros Red Suits:

Mouseketeer "Name Sweaters" and Emblem Hats:

And this tiki pole:

It's a start... But we can also do some promotions and contests like what Disney did with the Disneyland Decades Photo Contest or we can have a Disneyland History Quiz.

Thought, comments, concerns?
I volunteer to model my avatar as a disneyland ambassador.
also.... I wanna sign up to be a MyVMK ambassador!
Well, it would be kinda like a contest, and you'll obviously have go to through some interviewing.
I would apply and win the contest of o have to. Better yet, why not have an ambassador for each state in the U.S. For me and @Pecosace, we would be the ambassadors for Florida and represent the WDW.
Thats a good idea O: if they do make ambassador's though i call being a CA ambassador :P