Most Beneficial in Fireworks?


Well-Known Member
I guess it depends on what your average score is. I suppose if you get above 3k, a full game is best.


Well-Known Member
It honestly depends on your scores. For the first stage (about 2 minutes), I can get about 200 credits. If I play a full game (10 minutes) I get about 800 credits. So it is more profitable for me to only play the first stage over and over again to get the most credits in the same amount of time, rather than playing full games and earning less credits.


Well-Known Member
I get more credits in less time when I play full games, because it's possible to get more points in the last two levels than it is in the first three. For example, I usually get between 1300-1500 points for playing the first level, but can often get 2000 for level 4 or 5. 1500 points = 300 credits, 2000 points = 400 credits. So I would not make as many credits to keep playing the first level over and over. Not to mention the time wasted going to the lobby and waiting for the next game to start.


Bumper of Frinkles
For me (getting around 5900-6000 points/1,000ish credits per game) it's more beneficial to play full games. But again, it all depends on how you play.

Also, the last few rounds have crazy high combo bonuses. So that's a thing.


The Internet Champion!
I find full games to be more beneficial, but maybe that's because I score a good amount in the later levels, so it's all about how good you are when the game is harder.


The Confused One.
My score is about roughly 4500 per game. I make about 950 per game.
With that score I would suggest full games. You can try to bump that score up as you play and practice. I mean when the game first came out I was hitting around 4500-5000 a game. And after these past couple months I can easily get 6k a game and have had numerous games hit in to the 7k range depending upon how the combos for each stage occur.

It's just all a matter of practice and finding out how you play certain rounds and see where you can improve in the rounds. It may take some time or it may not. It all depends on how much you would like to improve and seeing what fits best in to your playing style.