Mr. Robot

Anyone else watch it? It's one of my current favorites along with The Walking Dead and Doctor Who. The first episode blew my mind. Rami Malek (!) does a great job portraying the role of Elliot. IMDb: "Follows a young computer programmer who suffers from social anxiety disorder and forms connections through hacking. He's recruited by a mysterious anarchist, who calls himself Mr. Robot." Only one season in, it already won a golden globe for best television series - drama. Well-deserved as the plot was nicely executed by a good cast. My favorite quote thus far would have to be by Elliot: "Daemons. They don't stop working. They are always active. They seduce. They manipulate. They own us. And even though you're with me, even though i created you, it makes no difference. We all must deal with them alone. The best we can hope for... The only silver lining in all of this... is that when we break through, we find a few familliar faces waiting on the other side."

Love this show!


Well-Known Member
i love mr robot!! rami malek really does do a great job portraying elliot. i cant wait until the next season :)
Anyone watching Season 2? Episode 5 was good. I like the character development so far. The ending was - I can't even explain. Everything's so realistically dark and twisted - Esmail is doing great.