My Perspective on Recent Events

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Amy... why the name change... that's just concerning. We can make so many assumptions from that. We can also help you if you need it, so please let us, listen to us, hear us out and I think many members of this game would enjoy nothing more but make this game more stable and ease the tension from this conflict.


Well-Known Member
I despise how many of you guys have considered people siding with Amy, or accepting Kali's apology to be "[kiss-ups]" Just stop lol...let people have their own opinion, a positive outlook towards this situation doesn't make you a [kiss up]. A lot of other players have no intention of becoming a staff members of the game yet have managed to stay fairly positive in relation to moving on. Just like voicing your opinion towards the situation in an outlook which calls for change is okay, voicing it in a positive manner is just as okay too. Don't discourage anyone from saying how they want the game to be run, except for Kevin... just discourage his posts all you want.
Couldn't have said it better myself
Hi guys:

The forum staff team decided to close this thread and create one thread in the "Debates" section where you can all continue posting your opinions on all the drama that has happened over the past however many days. I wasn't online when they were closed, and we forgot to post a "Why" message, so here it is!

You can join the debates group and continue posting here; just remember that while we are slightly more lenient with these threads, we will be watching for people who step out of line and handing out warnings as needed for those who break the rules.
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