MyVMK Wiki


Well-Known Member
@BlackBeard Exactly. My screenshots from Launcher come out the smaller. If I go bigger, I get more than one item in the shot. If you need gingerbread men, I have them. I just can't grab the pic. I'll give ya one for it.
Oops, sorry, it looks like I wasn't clear enough on what I meant.

I am actually looking for the inventory preview box that appears in-game within the inventory window when you click on an item like this:

Also, right now I am doing some major changes to the wiki which require it to be down. Should be back online either tonight or tomorrow morning. Will discuss the changes once it is back up! :)


Well-Known Member
LOL oh lordy. Okay, in that case, I should be able to help with previews, then! :D

MyVMK Wiki is back up, it took a bit longer than I originally intended but it will save a lot of time in the future. I was able to get the list of MyVMK items and create some scripts and a bot to automatically create the pages for all of them. Each page also includes the sell price and if they are not tradeable. Here is the full MyVMK item list as of 12/30 (minus any mod only items and such) - most likely some unreleased items there, which will have to get marked as such eventually.

This does mean that we have over 4,000 items that need images now as shown here if anyone is interested :). Check out the community portal for more information.

Also, anyone that made an account before will need to re-register. I reset the database in order to prevent any conflicts with the new items. This will be the only time that happens.

I will start tomorrow adding some item data, quests, host events, crate prizes, raffle information, etc. Anyone else feel free to work on it!