

Smile and the world smiles with you
I loved nedding. When I first started VMK I could not play any games. I had never played any computer games so my skills were very lacking. I got my first princess Tiara by nedding. I also learned the hard way never to trust a unknown player with "let me try it on " as I was scammed from it. I never forgot how sad I was because it took me so long to get it. However, a nice player gave me a Tiara. That is why I used to give out new tiaras to new players. Until Myvmk took the tiaras away. Which made me very sad. I did this in VMK and now I can not do it any longer :( Have not chosen my new item just not the same as welcoming a new player to the game and letting them feel like a princess or prince.


Well-Known Member
Sounds kind of worth it, actually LOL! I don't like playing a whole game anyways since there are a lot of bugs.
If the game had given decent credits for lesser-skilled players back then, we would never have needed to resort to nedding. It took forever to accumulate credits that way. Trust me, one round of Jungle Cruise now, even with bugs, gets you better rewards. (Thank you Amy!)

I remember nedding all weekend to get the Space Suit and the Yellow Princess Dress.