New Trading Rule?


Well-Known Member
I've looked around and I haven't seen any rule or variation of a rule that stops people from obviously (not necessarily intentionally) skewing the market and values for items.

I understand that this is a free market with no set prices and some people value items differently than others but it drives me crazy when, for example: Majority of people are selling 35 to 40 SITS for a gc then all of a sudden a single person decides to sell 60 SITS for a gc and drives the value for SITS way down as everyone has to now compete with that person in order to sell.

And I also see quite frequently where the general consensus for an item may be 2 GC but then someone sells that item for 3 or 4 GC with their only reason for upping the price being "That's just how I value it" with no other discernible reason that follows with the supply and demand of the item.

I'm not trying to say that people do this on purpose but I would like some way to try and report a trade thread that seems a substantial amount off from the current market value so a mod can overlook it and either remove the thread or advise the op to edit it accordingly. And if someone or a group of people is found to be doing it intentionally in some kind of "insider trading" system then they should definitely be banned.

I hope this makes sense. I'm not sure exactly how this can be dealt with but I figured I would at least get people to start thinking about it a little and brainstorm some kind of idea to fix it.


NFL Football Guru
No No No No Just No, Trading is simple you trade what you think a Item is worth, If you don't like the value, or what is being offered then don't trade. It's that simple. I've seen a lot of people pay 50+ sits magics for gcs. PLUS I don't think we need a baby sitter to watch us make values on virtual items.


Well-Known Member
An item is worth what the buyer or seller thinks it's worth. Ie people say a stitch hat is worth 90-100 giftcards. I probably wouldn't sell mine if I was offered 200. If someone wants to pay more or less for an item, it's their decision.


Well-Known Member
Although I can see where you're coming from, we really don't need any regulations on the economy and trading. An item's
Value is not set, since many different people have different opinions on those values. An item is simply worth how much you trade for it

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Well-Known Member
I still don't understand how overpricing an item just because you want to and selling it to a player who may not understand values as well and how to follow market values is fair? That's clearly scamming another player. If it was ok to price items based on personal opinion then moderators wouldn't be able to stop scams as everyone would use the excuse "But that's just how I value it."

I dunno I guess it's just me but I honestly can't wrap my head around the concept of people using "because I said so" as a reason to price their items.
Trading is really all subjective. There are no "official" values for anything, so it would be impossible to enforce anything in that sense. We cannot moderate opinions, and it is up to you as a trader to do your research before trading.
I still don't understand how overpricing an item just because you want to and selling it to a player who may not understand values as well and how to follow market values is fair? That's clearly scamming another player. If it was ok to price items based on personal opinion then moderators wouldn't be able to stop scams as everyone would use the excuse "But that's just how I value it."

I dunno I guess it's just me but I honestly can't wrap my head around the concept of people using "because I said so" as a reason to price their items.
it's not scamming; it just means they're pricing it differently than others probably because they value it differently. if a player is unsure, they can ask around for the value of said item. if they have no idea and still risk it, then that's their issue.

but seriously, who are the moderators to decide what we can and can't sell our items for? i know you mean well but it's honestly a silly concept and would never work anyways; there are too many people trading. it's just extra work on them and i doubt they'd be able to keep up with every person that is trading.