Omg i just lost 12 hours of my life.


Well-Known Member
This morning I had a 4* x2 Spaceship Magic, I used it once.
I just logged on, about 3 or 4 hours later and now it's only 1*
The thing that really bugs me about this is that I spent days playing Jungle Cruise to get 3* and I traded my Enchanted Rose for the other *
I want to cry...


Well-Known Member
I heard if you trade for it and the use it then it goes back into the other person inventory. Not sure if this is true but I got a space magic randomly appear in my inv after trading it, asked who I traded and they said they didnt know.


Well-Known Member
Yes! A similar situation happened to me and another girl I know. We both had traded for 1* X2 spaceship magics, and then the next day the magic ended up back in the other person's inventory. Luckily I traded with my good friend and was able to get it back no problem, but I hope this issue gets resolved soon!