On this day, two years ago


The Internet Champion!
On June 18th, 2013 OVMK Forums opened. I joined on the 27, but boy was it a fun summer. I hate to bring up the past, but what happened after that has been a crazy wild ride with plenty of ups and downs. I really don't know how much longer this game will last, but there are many people that have made it a special game once again for not just me, but for many other members of this community.

And as always, I love sharing this great article which was written shortly after the opening of MyVMK by the founder of OVMK, Nick. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qTdpgcLUd-Hg6-FZzkVEju4x1aMlhbMNX6snlUNgnOM/mobilebasic?pli=1

OVMK was everything for little 13 year old philitup, and I'll never forget my great memories on there with those people. It's kind of crazy seeing a large number of those people gone now.


RCT3 & Disney Freak
That summer was what I needed, I met great people online, stayed up late every night chatting on the shoutbox all while waiting for the opening of VMK. Oh what memories!!!