Passing the Torch...

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Younger than Dirt..Older than Disneyland
Congratulations on your graduation!
Thank you for all your time on the forums :hug:
Best of luck in your new job :hearts:
Hello friends,

I have recently made the decision to resign from the forum moderation team. This was not an easy decision nor was it a decision I came to overnight.

Ultimately, I was putting way too much time in the forums. It got to the point where I was looking at/moderating the forums in bed. I was even trying to moderate on my work break instead of truly taking a break. I can no longer dedicate this much time and energy into the forums.

I realize there have been many staffing changes lately, but I promise that you are left with an awesome team of both new and old mods. Each and every one of them was a pleasure to work with. Please treat the new mods with respect, they were willing to step up to the plate and I'm sure they will do a fantastic job :)

Thanks for allowing me to be a mod for the past few months. I learned a lot and I still love this community. I will not be leaving the game or the forums entirely, so please keep in touch :hug:

:( ill miss you so much you did amazing at ur job and i appreciate all ur work on forums, now you dont have to stress anymore ;c will miss you so much.
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