Player-Created Quest Prizes


Well-Known Member
I'm almost ready to open my first quest, but I'm not sure how high to shoot when offering prizes. What sort of value do people normally expect from player-created quests?
I think it depends on the difficulty. If it has a lot of tasks then better prizes especially if decent scores are required for the mini games. If you want a lot of people to play but don't have a lot to give away, you can always put pixels or other throwaway prizes after you've given top 5 or 10 good prizes so people can still play for the fun of it rather than for prizes. PM if you need more suggestions and I would be glad to help out.


Well-Known Member
First you need a Quest Kiosk. It's pricey, so save your credits!

Have you played any of the host-created quests? That should give you a good idea of how quests normally go.