Please pray for me

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Hello dearest myvmk players....

This upcoming Monday, September 14th 2015 I will be undergoing surgery on my knee. The doctors and other notable sources "claim" that this surgery is extremely minor, but I'm not buying it. Hundreds of thousands of these surgeries are performed every year due to sports injuries so I am to be convinced that "there is nothing to worry about" and I'm "being an idiot." Well, I disagree partially.

You see, my dearest friends, I will be having lateral meniscus surgery. The doctor will make a couple minimal incisions in my knee, which will ultimately lead to blood loss, and then death. Please keep me in your prayers as I enter the operating table for a mere 30 minutes. If the blood loss doesn't send me six feet under, then the impending staff infection certainly will.

Good day.


Good luck! I hope everything works out :)
:c I hope everything goes well :c
Think positive thoughts, think about what makes you happy. Whenever I am nervous, or tired, I keep going, because I think of Disneyland. Think of your family, friends. <3 Don't quit, you'll make, I know you will, you just have to believe it. "See you real soon"-Mickey Mouse <3 *hugs* :hug: I will pray for you, love :please:


Well-Known Member
Hey, I know we've never spoken, but I just wanted to say hang in there.
I know surgery can be incredibly scary and recovery can be even scarier. I had my entire thyroid removed a few years ago - so that's a surgeon cutting into my neck to remove a vital organ - and I had a lot of anxiety before and after that something would go wrong. But it all worked out; the surgery went well, I healed, and four years later I'm still fine!
This is such a common and comparatively minor surgery (it's not a quadruple bypass, thank goodness!), but anxiety can be cripplingly powerful like that, and I fully sympathize with your fear surrounding it. You've got this, man.
You've got this.

You'll be in my thoughts!


Well-Known Member
Been there, done that, as I had this operation and came out of it fine. The key right afterwards is you knee will feel better later the same day, but it is a lie. They pump your leg full of anesthetic during the operation and as that wears off, it will not feel so good, but that will not last. The key as the anesthetic wears off is have you leg elevated, use ice packs and have your pain killers and anti-inflammatory ready to go for a few days. After that it starts getting better, although you will be hobbling around on crutches for a bit. After your follow-up appt and and your dr clears you, you will start your rehab, which time wise will vary based on the need.

Any surgery has risk, but this is a standard arthroscopic surgery (2-3 tiny incisions), which keeps it from being as invasive as a full blown surgery would be. Hang in there. You will do fine.
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