Pls buy my junk (4/22)

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Well-Known Member
1x - Mickey Ears Pumpkin 5k
1x - FULL Pink Tron Outfit 15k
2x - Mulan Outfit 10k
1x - Native American Boots 5k
1x - Princess Philip's Shoes 1k
2x - Geri's Glasses 1k
1x - Explorer's Boots 2k
Hi, I'd like to buy these all from you. :) Please hold them for me. When can we meet?
Are you on now or when will you be on next?
Hi, I'd like to buy these all from you. :) Please hold them for me. When can we meet?
Can I get the superhero mask?
Can I get these if still available? :)
I'll be online tonight for the host event in 5 mins! Otherwise PM me to set a meet up time.

Can i buy all the disco floors and pirate maze walls
next time I see you on we can trade!
Sorry I was cooking, I’m in the room but I don’t see you anywhere

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sorry, i switched to my room titled "same"
i might get pulled for console prize in a second but i will be there right after!
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