Possible shockwave solution for windows


New Member
ok, so many people, including me, have had disconnection issues where shockwave hasn't worked. I got the "unresponsive" message that caused it to not work. This is something I did to fix it that MAY OR MAY NOT WORK. It only worked for me the first time I tried it. Just follow the steps. You need to use firefox for this.

1. Click the windows button and r
2. search "firefox.exe -p"
3. Delete the profiles (this will delete everything on firefox- passwords, homepages, everything! use with caution!)
4. open firefox, make sure you click "don't import anything"
5. use game.myvmk.com and log in

THIS ONLY WORKED ONCE FOR ME, but at least I got in! Good luck, I hope this works for others as well!