Post a Picture of Yourself. Again

ugh guys I'm so stressed with school it's insane, this was taken last week, a distant memory of the last smile that I made...... sigh. Except obvs not actually the last time I smiled bc that would be sad :P And just ignore the sweet potato I'm holding.. there's a reason behind it I promise
Whoa mama that's a fine potato...oh *ahem* and you're very lovely as well... xD


♥Disneyland Addict♥
Well This is A Photo Of me And my Best Friend Anna taking Selfies at College :D
I know I look like I'm 12 because of my stupid braces on still...I've had them on for 2 1/2 years :( But Im Really 18 turning 19 this year and hopefully getting my ugly braces off in May :)
PS Im The one who is not blonde lol
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This is me. I'm wearing my Washington D.C. beanie. I like hats :grizzly::tp: