POTC Chest Prizes on Newsletter

I feel it would be very helpful to everyone if the POTC prizes on the Newsletter were listed by which chest they are from. At the moment you can win a Bronze prize from the Gold chest which makes it extremely difficult to know what to pay when trading and can enable people to charge high prices for easier to get Bronze items since they claim (rightly) that they received that prize from the Gold chest.

Actually it would be even nicer to keep prizes to their relevant chests. Gold chest only giving out only Gold prizes, Silver chest only giving out Silver prizes... but if that is not possible then at least mention it on the Newsletter which are the Gold and therefore rarer prizes. This used to happen so it would be lovely if it was implemented again. Please?
I think the point of having the items in different chests is to make the gold chest items more rare. Like (for example) say you have a 1/5 chance to pull something from the chests. Bronze that's fine no one cares but then that'd make your chances of pulling gold the same as bronze when it's suppose to be rarer. Does that make sense? Like each chest gets harder because there's the same chances but more items you could win so your chances per item goes down the rarer the chest is?
Yes I get that and figured that was why. I would still like it posted on the Newsletter which one(s) are the Gold/rare prizes though. It used to happen and I can't see why they stopped, it avoids a lot of player confusion regarding trades too.
I do not mind the mix of bronze and silver prizes being in the gold chest, but I can agree that I would like to know which prize comes from what chest. The pins are a bit obvious because of the colored boarder but as for the furni I don't have a clue.
Yep, but that still doesn't help knowing how much to offer/ask for a trade. Someone could genuinely believe they have a gold/rare item when in fact it's a bronze prize. They used to have it on the Newsletter so it is possible for staff to do it again. That's all I am asking :)