Quick Trades for Your Keys/Sprees (Shark Magic, HM Room, Space Pieces + More)

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MyVMK Princess.*
Looking to trade the following items for Green Keys and/or Sprees!
I value keys at 2k each.


50th Celebration Lantern - 5k or 2 keys+2 crates
Home Theater Chair - 5k or 2 keys + 2 crates
Jester Hat Ornament - 2k or 1 key (x2)
Royal Clouds - 1k (x10)
Statue of Liberty - 2k or 1 key (x10)

DLR Grand California Pin - 6k or 3 keys
Shark Magic 1* - 15k or 7 keys
Haunted Mansion Room Pin - 15k or 7 keys

4th of July Hat - 4k or 2 keys
Coral Shoes - 5k or 2 keys+2 crates (x2)
Coral Hat - 5k or 2 keys+2 crates
Football Referee Hat - 6k or 3 keys
Mission Space Helmet - 10k or 5 keys
Mission Space Shoes - 6k or 3 keys (x3)
Mission Space Vest - 8k or 4 keys
Pirate Boots (Female) - 2k or 1 key
Pink Beret - 5k or 2 keys+ 2 crates
Superhero Mask - 10k or 5 keys


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MyVMK Princess.*
I am interested in the Home Theater Chair - 5k spree.
I will PM you a list!

I can do the space helmet, vest and shoes for 12 keys!
I'm no longer looking for keys, just sprees and I only have the vest and shoes left.

I can do:
1* Shark Magic (7 Keys)
1x Statue of Libery (1 Key)
I am only looking for sprees currently, sorry.

I'm closing this thread because it's a bit outdated, please PM me for anything else.
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