Real World Trading

No actually there isn't if you're doing it in secrecy. It was done on VMK, and it's done on vfk. How would amy even be able to moderate that? you're insane.

This thread has nothing to do with amy PROFITING OFF OTHER PEOPLE ITEMS and everything to do with A USER BUYING ITEMS FROM ANOTHER USER.


Well-Known Member
No actually there isn't if you're doing it in secrecy. It was done on VMK, and it's done on vfk. How would amy even be able to moderate that? you're insane.

This thread has nothing to do with amy PROFITING OFF OTHER PEOPLE ITEMS and everything to do with A USER BUYING ITEMS FROM ANOTHER USER.
Those seem to be two very contradictory statements. Please clarify.
@Jackal, I have no clue as to why you keep insulting peoples mental stability to add to your (lack of an) argument? No new items are being introduced into the game, thus making it literally impossible to directly affect the economy?
im going to break it down because english may not be your first language.

Nobody is saying amy should profit off this game, but if a user wants to sell his items to someone else, like another member perhaps, how would amy have any way of moderating that and understand what's going on, especially when things like or oovoo exists? I'm stating that you are probably insane if you think there is any way to actually moderate that, and if a person has money to blow on a game with a finite time span its none of your business what he or she does.


Well-Known Member
@Jackal, I have no clue as to why you keep insulting peoples mental stability to add to your (lack of an) argument? No new items are being introduced into the game, thus making it literally impossible to directly affect the economy?
Your first few statements for your (lack of an) argument seem to be very irrelevant, and you don't seem to be very sure about your arguments yourself.


Well-Known Member
It's their money, let them do what they want with it.
This is the argument of many people, however, don't you see how it may negatively effect the game entirely?
It's a virtual economy. Are we joking rn? Let them do what they want.
Please read this.

I don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in VMK. If we let players start doing this, it devalues VMK for others. I feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in VMK.
I'm sorry but sounds like to me, it's not the well-being of the game you're worried about because there is no well-being that is affected. Sounds like you're just worried these trades will jeopardize your 'status' in the game. Just my opinion
I have no wealth in the game. I go around wearing starter clothes and have nothing in my inventory except a few ride pins. Stop coming at me and making these false claims about this all being about me. It is not about me in the slightest bit. I have no 'status' in the game whatsoever.

There is a well-being that is affected. RWTs would open the opportunity for everyone in the game to take part, meaning that there would have to be AT LEAST one supplier of virtual wealth who would trade the virtual wealth for real world currency. How would you expect this person to maintain a supply of virtual wealth to make RWTs with?

Everyone will realize that it is easy Real World cash to make. The amount of clones and the amount of botting that goes on currently is already at a high rate. Imagine if there was a big opportunity for players to make actual real world money. People with the intention to supply would immediately start setting up clones and finding the best software to begin their mini-business with.

They'd create a supply and start advertising to friends, the forums, or generally in-game. They'd sell their supply, and they'd have that same supply back once it is sold via the aforementioned clones and botting software. It is a never ending process, and the supply will always be there to sell to the consumers.

Others will realize what an ingenious idea this is, and begin their own mini-business. Now imagine this happening to multiple players, tenfold. Soon the game becomes a core of clones and bots in which the economy will rely on. The game experience we once all knew will be ruined. Those economically at a disadvantage in the Real World will no longer even have a gaming experience.

It is ridiculous to even consider RWT being allowed in a game. If my example here, laid out in front of you, doesn't make you understand my point of view or where I'm coming from on this subject matter, then I am afraid for your mental health.


Where did 4 years go?!
They can do whatever they want, but making bad choices is very common and could be regretted in the future
"One mans trash, is another man's treasure."

This is the argument of many people, however, don't you see how it may negatively effect the game entirely?
It's a virtual economy. Are we joking rn? Let them do what they want.
Please read this.

I don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in VMK. If we let players start doing this, it devalues VMK for others. I feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in VMK.
I'm sorry but sounds like to me, it's not the well-being of the game you're worried about because there is no well-being that is affected. Sounds like you're just worried these trades will jeopardize your 'status' in the game. Just my opinion
I have no wealth in the game. I go around wearing starter clothes and have nothing in my inventory except a few ride pins. Stop coming at me and making these false claims about this all being about me. It is not about me in the slightest bit. I have no 'status' in the game whatsoever.

There is a well-being that is affected. RWTs would open the opportunity for everyone in the game to take part, meaning that there would have to be AT LEAST one supplier of virtual wealth who would trade the virtual wealth for real world currency. How would you expect this person to maintain a supply of virtual wealth to make RWTs with?

Everyone will realize that it is easy Real World cash to make. The amount of clones and the amount of botting that goes on currently is already at a high rate. Imagine if there was a big opportunity for players to make actual real world money. People with the intention to supply would immediately start setting up clones and finding the best software to begin their mini-business with.

They'd create a supply and start advertising to friends, the forums, or generally in-game. They'd sell their supply, and they'd have that same supply back once it is sold via the aforementioned clones and botting software. It is a never ending process, and the supply will always be there to sell to the consumers.

Others will realize what an ingenious idea this is, and begin their own mini-business. Now imagine this happening to multiple players, tenfold. Soon the game becomes a core of clones and bots in which the economy will rely on. The game experience we once all knew will be ruined. Those economically at a disadvantage in the Real World will no longer even have a gaming experience.

It is ridiculous to even consider RWT being allowed in a game. If my example here, laid out in front of you, doesn't make you understand my point of view or where I'm coming from on this subject matter, then I am afraid for your mental health.
I don't care for your flippin life story. It's a virtual economy, if people decide they have no rares to trade but they have 50 bucks in their paypal account and want that Stitch hat like nobodies business that's their prerogative.

Do yourself a flavor, and build a bridge and get over it. :imagination:


Where did 4 years go?!
My point though is that people still pay for the items. So, again, why does it matter how people spend their own money? Unless it is affecting you, why should you care?
It affects both you, me, and the entire game. The whole economy is affected. Plus, it ruins the game for those who do not have the opportunity to participate in the RWTs.
I don't have 100$ to spend on a stitch hat, but the game still goes on fine for me. Nothings ruined. And the economy is just fine. You're creating a problem when there isn't one.
Don't see a problem with it. Its not our business if people choose to use ingame currency or real life currency on the items that they want. It won't effect the economy to a point where its noticeable. Honestly, I think as long as people are mature about it and don't try to make a big deal about it, there isn't a problem with it.


Well-Known Member
I'm against it, but who cares really? This is a fan-recreation of the game with one dev. If that dev moves on for whatever reason.. it will all be a faded memory.


Where did 4 years go?!
Don't see a problem with it. Its not our business if people choose to use ingame currency or real life currency on the items that they want. It won't effect the economy to a point where its noticeable. Honestly, I think as long as people are mature about it and don't try to make a big deal about it, there isn't a problem with it.
The key to that is, not making a big deal about it. People are free to spend their money in whatever way they choose. It doesn't ruin or effect anything in my opinion, but it will if you let it and turn it in to a problem.


Well-Known Member
Don't see a problem with it. Its not our business if people choose to use ingame currency or real life currency on the items that they want. It won't effect the economy to a point where its noticeable. Honestly, I think as long as people are mature about it and don't try to make a big deal about it, there isn't a problem with it.
The key to that is, not making a big deal about it. People are free to spend their money in whatever way they choose. It doesn't ruin or effect anything in my opinion, but it will if you let it and turn it in to a problem.
Could you possibly illustrate a situation where someone sells their virtual items for real money? Are they quitting the game and trying to make an easy buck? Because that is the only situation where I find it justifiable.


Where did 4 years go?!
Don't see a problem with it. Its not our business if people choose to use ingame currency or real life currency on the items that they want. It won't effect the economy to a point where its noticeable. Honestly, I think as long as people are mature about it and don't try to make a big deal about it, there isn't a problem with it.
The key to that is, not making a big deal about it. People are free to spend their money in whatever way they choose. It doesn't ruin or effect anything in my opinion, but it will if you let it and turn it in to a problem.
Could you possibly illustrate a situation where someone sells their virtual items for real money? Are they quitting the game and trying to make an easy buck? Because that is the only situation where I find it justifiable.
Illustrate a situation? No, sorry I haven't documented every instance of when someone has conducted this kind of transaction where I'd be able to provide you visual aid. I think you can use your imagination for that.

But I digress, as I've said before people are allowed to spend their money in whatever way they want to. Whether it's justifiable to you or you disagree with it is irrelevant. People will do what they want, it's their right. If they want to make money off quitting and they have people willing to pay for items, why is that any of our business?