Shikamaru has arrived

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Hey there,
Old VMK: Hinata.Rules
New VMK: Shikamaru

I'm glad to see that VMK is back and that I was able to grab this username before someone else did.
Shikamaru Nara is pretty awesome.
I just joined today, yay!
If you see me around feel free to join me or give me any of your unwanted items. :)
I look forward to playing with you all this summer, before I'm off to college.
Welcome! Oh Shikamaru. I'm Akamaru in game. Weird I named my avatar after a male ninja dog right lol, but it was the name I stuck with on VFK and decided to continue to use on MyVMK. I love Naruto, though I haven't kept up with the latest episodes. So many fillers though, so little time to watch. Anyway great show my favorite anime.
Welcome! Oh Shikamaru. I'm Akamaru in game. Weird I named my avatar after a male ninja dog right lol, but it was the name I stuck with on VFK and decided to continue to use on MyVMK. I love Naruto, though I haven't kept up with the latest episodes. So many fillers though, so little time to watch. Anyway great show my favorite anime.
Hahaha, now way Akamaru is awesome! Not weird at all. I named my user after a ninja that can control shadows, we're in the same boat LOL. I really enjoyed Naruto, but I stopped watching/reading after Jiraiya died so I'm really behind! I wanted to catch up this summer with the manga and then pick and choose which anime episodes I was going to watch. I still love reading some of the fanfictions for it though!
We should tru to meet up in game so that Shikamaru and Akamaru can be friends! It would be awesome if we could get the whole gang. I originally tried to get the name Hinata, but someone else already had it.
Oh I've only watched the anime. I left off somewhere during The Fourth Shinobi World War. I don't remember much I last watched it like a year or so ago lol, but it was pretty epic with the battles and characters! I may try to catch a few interesting episodes not the fillers, although they are quite cute sometimes, from where I left off. I'd be glad to befriend you in game some time :)
Oh I've only watched the anime. I left off somewhere during The Fourth Shinobi World War. I don't remember much I last watched it like a year or so ago lol, but it was pretty epic with the battles and characters! I may try to catch a few interesting episodes not the fillers, although they are quite cute sometimes, from where I left off. I'd be glad to befriend you in game some time :)
I watched the episodes about Kushina and Minato and started crying omg. WE COULD HAVE HAD IT ALL.
Okay, so my favorite filler EVER in the Naruto series has to be the Matsuri one. I just loved her and her dynamic with Gaara! Especially because he was her sensei and he was just so takem aback because someone chose him. <3 I also really enjoyed that giant bee filler where Hinata dances at the waterfall.

Yeah, let's find each other! Are you online now??
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